National Bedtime Proposed

Day 1,089, 05:01 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Jythier Smith

eNew Zealand - Gojko Bozic is proposing a new law throughout eNew Zealand. Congressman Bozic explains:

"I am proposing a national bedtime starting at, erm, uh, 9:30 pm. Yeah, that's it. Just for one day. And then, we will just stay asleep for, uh, 24 hours. And then, we'll wake up! And this should apply mostly to Congressmen, mmhmm, and should have extremely strict consequences if broken."

The reason behind the new proposal became clear when shortly after 9:30pm, he introduced new legislation to the appropriations committee to give 900 gold away. An anonymous congressman in a mob of them shouted he would vote 'yes' when pigs flew, causing the swine who proposed the law to purchase a moving ticket.

So far, the sleeping Congressmen have voted 2 for and 12 against. Congressman Bozic obviously does not understand politics.

"Congress is an extraordinarily boring place, often putting the Congressmen to sleep. Studies show that the Congressmen often just vote 'no' when they are sleeping, causing legislation to not be passed and work to never get done," explained Evelyn Houston, head researcher for the Picayune. "In order to get 'yes' votes, one needs to reasonably argue a point and succeed in making the Congressmen be willing to wake up."

Other studies have shown that a roomful of monkies, known as the eUSA Congress, is also capable of passing laws as good, if not better, than a roomful of actual people trying to pass laws for the benefit of the country. Which country this benefit is for has yet to be determined.