Pictures, tables AND MORE!!!: congress election review [07/2010] (119th issue)

Day 980, 09:13 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing

Another election means another congress election statistics. Click here for June statistics.

Legend" />
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Congress seats
Six members of The Real Democrats were elected. In the image they're marked with the letter T. This included 3 of 9 RFA-elected congressmen and all three SDP-elected congressmen." />
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The Unity Party and United Kingdom Reform Party are drawn at 11 people each. Radical Freethinkers' Alliance has got 6 people elected, as much as Peoples' Communist Party and The Real Democrats. Social Democratic Party has got no MPs and, in fact, I'll be surprised if it will participate in another election.

Maps" />
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As you can see, with three candidates being elected in each region, most regions had a three-way tie. There were some exceptions though: London (with 3 UKRP members elected; all as wildcards), South East of England (2 SDP members elected), South West of England (2 UKRP members elected) and Wales (2 TUP members elected). Although not shown in this map, North West of England had two TRD members elected, but I decided not to make this map too complicated." />
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This time I won't list the winners (but you can see them in this great election tracker). As you can see, most regions (7, to be precise) were won by RFA candidates. If we subtract the TRD people, then RFA have a tie with the TRD with 4 regions each. Overall, most votes were, of course, cast in London. The winner there was The Unity Party candidate keram10.

Because there were less congressmen elected last month, the number of congressman for each party has been multiplied by 2.5 so that the sum would be 40." />" />

Cost per place
Thanks to the election tracker I used (link already posted) I can see how much votes each party has and how many places have they got. To make things easier, I won't subtract the TRD people or list them as a separate entity.

• TUP: 11 seats/191 votes
• UKRP: 11 seats/127 votes
• RFA: 9 seat/96 votes
• PCP: 6 seats/82 votes
• SDP: 3 seats/48 votes

This way we can calculate how much votes were needed to gain each seat and get the rankings.

1. RFA: 10,67 votes per seat
2. UKRP: 11,55 votes per seat
3. PCP: 13,67 votes per seat
4. SDP: 16 votes per seat
5. TUP: 17,36 votes per seat

Lost votes
Now I count how many votes were given for people who didn't get a seat.

• TUP: 32/191 votes
• UKRP: 21/127 votes
• RFA: 18/96 votes
• PCP: 18/82 votes
• SDP: 34/48 votes

Then we calculate how many percent of votes were lost.

1. UKRP: 16,54%
2. TUP: 16,75%
3. RFA: 18,75%
4. PCP: 21,95%
5. SDP: 70,83%

Then I use a very subjective formula which probably gives unreliable results. Points are calculated as x+y, where x is votes per seat*100, and y is lost seat percent*100. The less points, the better.

1. UKRP: 2809 points
2. RFA: 2942 points
3. TUP: 3411 points
4. PCP: 3562 points
5. SDP: 8683 points

Last month TUP won with 4830 points and RFA (then Spectrum) were in last place with 14808 points. I won't make an all-time top yet, but that gives you an impression on how much points is good and how much is bad. To be fair though, because less regions had elections last month, London had a bigger role and therefore the results weren't as good as possible.

Fun facts
• RFA hasn't lost or gained a single voter during the month, all other parties have lost voters.
• 544 people voted this month, which is 217 or 28,5% less than in June.
• If we would have controlled Northern Ireland (or any other region) in addition to Valhalla, 2 people would be elected in each region and there would be 14 wildcards.

Addendum" />
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ChewChewShoe gets 3 gold. See my last article for details.">">">