Congressional Reports - June 17th, 2010

Day 940, 19:13 Published in Canada Canada by Ministry of Information
Congressional Report, June 17th, 2010

Welcome to the second installment of this term's Congressional Reports.
Congress has, as usual, been up to their usual business in the Open Door Congress forums on the eCanadian Forums (which can be found here). I've also been up to my usual Wednesday night activity; writing a Congressional Report! Here, I've examined, summarized, and exposed all of Congresses Open Door activities for everyone to see. It's much easier to read this single article than to read all of the Open Door Congress forum 😉

A number of Congress' topics have been continued over from last week; so I will, for the most part, only go over the new material for these topics. If you would like to read up on last week's Congress activity, just visit this article!

So Enjoy the TL😉R version of Congress!

Economic Policy Proposal, Stage 1: Taxes, June 5th

The tax changes proposed in this topic had passed last week, but there was so much agreement that the taxes should be changed that there was a second proposal, this time about Diamond Income Taxes, was made in the same thread (June 8th).

For a second time, there was very little opposition to the proposal of increasing Diamond Income Taxes from 11% to 15%. All Congressmen who voiced their opinions were generally in favour of the proposal, which was passed only five days later.

Also, Economic Policy Proposal, Stage 2 is explained below.

Justice Nominees, June 13th

The Prime Minister has nominated, on recommendation, the five new Justices of the Supreme for the next term, which lasts two months. Congress then questioned the nominees, as the ones that participated in politics all had a political affiliation with the Prime Minister. It was then pointed out that the Constitution of Canada states that, in order to balance the Court, “no more than two members of any given political party may serve on the Court at the same time.” The Prime Minister has acknowledged that he may have to find new nominations for the Supreme Court.

Olivermellors to Attorney General
, June 13th

An applicant has come forward for the position of Attorney General, and the Minister of Justice has put the application for Congress to vote on. The vote to accept or reject the applicant has not yet ended, but it is unanimously in favour so far.

Office of Strategic Services / ’Office des Services Stratégiques
, May 21st

This is an old topic, started by the previous Prime Minister but continued by the OSS Director. This topic aims at defining what a 'militia' is, and the general guidelines for militia funding.

The entity of 'militia' was defined on June 10th by June's OSS, with heavy objections. The largest argument being that under no circumstances should a militia be allowed to sell products, produced by their soldiers, on the Canadian market if they are receiving Government funding. This discussion of militia funding and market restrictions was tabled for after a final definition of 'militia' is agreed upon. The discussions continue.

Transparancy, accountability & disclosure
, June 12th

A Congressmen has voiced his concern about the Closed Door Congress forum being used to avoid accountability instead of the intended use, the need for secrecy. A revision to the Congressional Transparency Act is proposed; an amendment stating that Congress can vote to disclose topics in the Closed Door Forums, to the Canadian public, by a margin of 50% plus one.

Most of the responses to this proposal have been off-topic; instead ribbing the concerned Congressmen that his own actions as a Minister are in no way transparent. The on-topic responses are mixed in favour and against the proposal. The discussion continues.

Economic Policy Proposal Stage II - Competition Bureau
, June 14th

The second stage of the Economic Policy Proposal deals with the creation of the Competition Bureau, as a means to protect eCanada's domestic markets and sterling purchasing power. The Competition Bureau would be tasked with monitoring Canadian markets to ensure they are competitive, adequately supplied, and affordable. I would be lead by a Commissioner of Competition, a position elected by Congress with a 2-month term.

The Bureau would be required to provide a summary, every two weeks, to the Commons. The summary identifies segment markets that are under-serviced relative to demand and market segments with a lower than average purchasing power. Parliament may call upon the Commissioner of Competition to undertake additional research.

The Bureau is entitled only to recommend courses of action. The courses of action recommended shall take the following order: publicizing the existence of the market segment needing correction, holding a reverse auction to provide incentive for lower Q companies to upgrade to the segment needing correction, and granting a Charter for a Crown Corporation to stabilize the segment. This Act does not create a requirement for the government to follow the Bureau's recommendations; Parliament may accept or reject the Bureau's recommendations.

The discussion for this proposal has only a few responses, with many more likely to come. Thus far, response is positive. The only concerns raised were firstly about the likely instability of the new V2 market, with a suggestion that the Competition Bureau would not interfere until the market has had a time to stabilize. Then secondly, that there should be a measure of oversight and control so that the Bureau doesn't overstay it's welcome in a market segment after is has stabilized. As well, the Competition Bureau would need much more legislation, and this would be more of a TL😉R version of the final Act. The discussion continues.

End of Congressional Report.

Congress seems to have been a little quieter than last week, but I am only saying that because this report is shorter than last week's! The discussions have continued to be productive and respectful, for the most part... but discussions progress and the Congressional world keeps turning. I would again encourage everyone to visit the Open Door Congress forums and check out the topics yourself.

Remember, Congress-members are elected by you. So if you have any suggestions, questions, complaints, etc, you should always feel free to send them a message, or post in one of the Congressional Offices, found here. Or you know, you could just leave a comment here.

See you next week!
Kronos Q
Minister of Congressional Reports

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