GLADOS for PM: Military and Foreign Affairs Manifesto

Day 863, 19:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Hello once again citizens of the United Kingdom,

What does this have to do with the manifesto? not much, but it looks cool 😎

In a world where borders can change in the blink of an eye, and wars are won by key battles, the United Kingdom needs someone who can lead the country through today’s turbulent and trying times. I would like to share with you, the people of the United Kingdom, my vision for the future of this country in respect to foreign and military affairs.

In our modern world, the boundaries between friendly and non friendly nations are very well defined. Phoenix is comprised of our friends and brothers, EDEN is comprised of our enemies, and the neutrals are well....neutral. As Prime minister, I will put forward an extremely pro Phoenix agenda, as I have not forgotten were we where just a few months ago, with our phoenix brothers standing side by side with us in our streets, crying “We’ll defend London!”. I believe that not only is it in the United Kingdom’s best interests, but we owe a debt of gratitude to our allies for defending us in the past. I will do my best to assure our allies are well protected and receive as much aide as we can send to them.

Some have had questions recently about americans, noticing that they are starting to look like they might leave EDEN. As Prime Minister, I would begin discussion with the USA, but I would make no agreements with them that in any way harm our Phoenix allies. as I said, my foreign policy will be strictly phoenix first!

And now on to one of the more pressing concerns of many within our country, the irish situation. We and the Irish share an island, that island being Ireland. The Irish at one point have occupied one of our regions, Northern Ireland, and have expressed extreme resentment towards us since we took back the region that they occupied. The Irish have also recently joined the broliance, an alliance composed of some of our chief EDEN enemies Canada, America, and the Australians. Many Prime Ministers have made promises of goodwill towards the the Irish. I however, feel that good relations should be received as well as given, and will not give any form of goodwill to the irish until they find that they can reciprocate.

they seem rarin for a fight...

Now, onto the exciting part!

My military affairs will be quite simple. The military complex is efficient and at this point takes care of itself in most ways, much like the MoHA. As the old saying goes, if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! I promise to support the military in all ways possible, myself serving in the paratroopers, the royal marines, and the royal air force. I will support any and all reforms my MoD finds necessary, and will make sure the military has all tools it needs to get it’s job done!

gunny approves of this message, that's how you know it's awesome

Since our journey to near destruction a few months ago, many found our recovery period quite boring. I myself, tend to agree. That is why, if elected, I promise A DIRECT WAR WITH UK INVOLVEMENT BEFORE THE END OF MY FIRST TERM. “But GLaDOS, what does that mean?” This means that the UK shall invade some other country, and shall take land from said country, and we shall all have a little fun together. “but GLaDOS, where will we go to war?”. At this point we have many options, some of which would be simply for the “lulz”, and others that would be aiding our phoenix allies. I personally, say look west! (Or maybe south, depending on where you are in the kingdom.)

some things just look best in the same colour

In Summary:

I promise to have a full forward Phoenix First Agenda, An open minded yet reserved dialogue with the USA and any other brolliance willing to negotiate, letting the armed services do what they need to do to be the best they can be, and DIRECT WAR FOR THE UK WITHIN MY TERM.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto, and don’t forget to vote GLaDOS on the fifth!