THE eRepublik VIDYA

Day 12, 00:00 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by viagraslowpoke

To all /v/akistanis...|||we must be patient. Our great nation grows every hour, slowly but surely. But we are an infant state. We are homeless, jobless, penniless. But that will change. Soon, our glorious nation will be rich--we will all have jobs, money, food, and most importantly, weapons. Soon our glorious nation will be thousands strong, and we will conquer through numbers and /v/akistani patriotism. No other country is as strong. No other country is as beautiful. We have sand. We have potatoes. We have PAKISTAN, AND SOON THE WORLD WILL BE OUR CLOYSTER, RIP AND TEAR FOR OUR COUNTRY, GLORIOUS /V/AKISTAN. WE HAVE HUGE GUTS, RIP AND TEAR!