[FUN] Ungurii vor Mongolia | The Hungarians want Mongolia

Day 778, 05:09 Published in Romania Romania by Xigna
Versiunea in limba Romana | English Version bellow

Ungaria, acest mare razboinic al eRepublik-ului doreste ca regiunea Inner Mongolia din China sa ii fie adaugata ca regiune originara. Ei au bazat propunerea pe faptul ca acum mii de ani, Maghiarii alergau agale prin campurile cu papadii din Mongolia.
Open Letter-ul Maghiarilor il puteti gasi aici: Please add Inner Mongolia as an original Hungarian region
Desigur, o propunere excelenta, asa ca pe acest principiu am venit si eu cu o propunere: Please remove the Pannonia regions as original Hungarian regions
(Pentru cei care nu stiti engleza, propunerea exprima dorinta mea de a scoate regiunile din campia Panoniei de sub tutela Maghiara)
Daca sunteti de acord, lasati acest comment: signed

* desigur ambele propuneri sunt la misto, dar na, ne jucam si noi.

English Version

The great warrior of eRepublik also known as Hungary requested the admins add the Inner Mongolia region in China as one of their original regions. The made this request on the basis that thousands of years ago they were joyfully strolling through the plains of Mongolia.
The Hungarian Open Letter can be found here: Please add Inner Mongolia as an original Hungarian region
Of course, it's an excellent open letter, so I thought I counter it with another letter based on the same principle: Please remove the Pannonia regions as original Hungarian regions
If you agree with my proposition, please sign the letter.

* of course both open letters are just made for fun... or are they?
PS: yes, if you guys haven't noticed, both letters are jokes.