A simple word from Polish citizen

Day 754, 10:26 Published in Hungary Poland by Sadix

Hello, Hungarians,

As you know, I'm a citizen of ePoland and commander of Polish Operation Group, and I write this article as a private person. I, as most of Poles, consider myself a friend of your nation due to real life reasons. You know me well.

Today our president proposed a Declaration of War to eGermany.

German president proposed a Mutual Protection Pact with Hungary just after polish DoW.

On one hand, I believe that's a natural move, as eHungary immidiately MPP's all pro-PHOENIX countries in such cases in order to prevent further invasion to their territory.

On the other hand, we don't live in old, good times anymore. Everything in Erep has changed as eRomania attacked eBulgaria. All EDEN countries started a massive offensive. Greece attacked Turkey. Spain attacked France. Sweden and Poland are going to attack Germany. We stopped hiding behind walls of MPP's.

Everyone has hungarian MPP, right?

My friends, you are powerful, but there are limits even for your power. What if USA comes to Asia? You know very well that President of Japan is going to let them through.

Heligongjang may not be under direct threat, but PHOENIX high iron regions in the neighbourhood.. yes.

What's coming next, I don't know. What if there will be more fronts on this new World War? Under the current circumstances, it's wiser to have less MPPs than only a week ago.

To be honest, you have no vital interests in Germany right now. Isn't it better to let them be erased from the map and close all activated MPPs, so we can have a sparing later when you go to recapture their regions?

What I'm trying to say is that if you split your damage further by voting yes for MPP with Germany, you may find yourselves in trouble at some point.

I'm not throwing propaganda in your face, I like you too much for spoil our relations with something like that. It's just an advise. I wouldn't try to deceive you in any way.

Why, you may ask? Because the mutual respect between our e-nations is widely known all over the New World. We are not enemies. We are just opponents in eRepublik, but in real life we share a true friendship and nothing will change that, let alone a browser game.

Keep in mind that our feelings towards the Germans are just like yours to the Romanians.

Keep in mind that the Germans will now beg for your help, but after you resign from your own agendas in order to help them, they'll probably stab you in the back as they did once before by joining your enemies.

Think about that and make your choice. It's a tough one, but if you vote yes, I guess all Poland will understand.

I wish we played this game as allies... it wouldn't make things in Erep so complicated as they are.

The future is uncertain right now.

Perhaps one day this dream will come true.

HAIL, our RL brothers!

Commander of Polish Operation Group