The UK and War, USA joins EDEN, A Great Parter is banned

Day 741, 11:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by James Glover

As the MoD do not seem to write any articles I think I should keep you informed about what is going on!

The UK has invaded Belgium again and is winning!
Seriously who expected that against the US and Romania, two of the most powerful Countries on eRepublik.
Fight for the UK and UNL! Destroy the PTO'ers of Belgium!
Silly American's your not European, even if you want to be.


Let's be honest the US is involved with 3 Fights and so are losing a lot of fighting power in other battles around the eWorld, Romania are also involved in the same battles, mainly in western Finland!
USA's/Romania's orders are to defend Finland so obviously were not fighting the main forces of USA/Romania.
The Battle over Flanders will end today and so there will not be an opportunity for a second fight. Please make sure the Region is secure before wasting more fights!

[EDIT] - The US and Romanian official orders changed and as it was the morning in the US and evening in Romania there was a lot of extra fights that did not go our way, I look forward to our next invasion as this time unlike the first we did not do a serious amount of tanking!
We saw progress with a negative wall at about 6pm (UK time) but because the battle did not end there we were unable to make significant amounts of damage near the end of the battle!

How to fight BARBARIC
follow all order's by the MoD if there are any!

Day One
1. Fight once
2. Gift 10 wellness*
3. Fight 5 Times
4. Heal using your hospital
5. Fight 5 times, down to wellness of 50.
6. Buy the highest Q food to get max wellness back

Day Two
1. Fight once
2. Heal using your hospital
3. Gift yourself - unless at 100 already
4. Fight 6 times down to 40-49 wellness
5. Hold fire
Day 3

This get's you the maximum amount of fights for two day's without spending a Gold on wellness boxes!

In other News

USA finally joins EDEN
The USA has not officially been part of EDEN until today even though they have been fighting on the same side for many month's. Here is the US CP's (John Frost) Article on the subject. They sound happy to join!
USA's Article on joining EDEN
EDEN's official Paper

USA should be happy to be part ofthe biggest Alliance on eRepublik. Many countries do not have a big alliance to fall back on but we in the UK have great friends across the eWorld. The USA and Sweden have been challenging our boarders for several months but wait has anything changed, um NO. The US has 18 mpp's against us were still waiting lets bring the full force of our friends into the equation then we shall see who wins.

Parter is banned
One of eRepublik's most promenade members was yesterday banned because of system exploits!
It is a great loss, he achieved many battle heroes beside being only strength 9, became CP of Russia and a general great guy. I was happy to have a few conversation's with him about Russia while he lived.

"I fell victim to the experiments yet I have not used any advantages of this bug. To be more precisely, I did not intend nor plan to use them, having asked keks-n to stop increasing my wellness.
Another Saturday and another fail of mine, this time - for good = )
Good luck, dear eRepublik citizens! 🙂
I wish you find new e-heroes 🙂
Best wishes, your parter"

A sad day for Russia and players across the eWorld

Thank you for reading