Demand Better: In Summation

Day 740, 18:24 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Demand Better: In Summation

At first glance I know it to be rather odd to be writing a summation of my Presidential campaign without, admittedly, having posted or even written the entirety of my campaign. That being said, the method of nomination of the Canadian Social Democrats (wherein it is no secret that I am covetous of the nod) requires me to write a condensced version of my platform. Never one to write something obligatory and then not to post it in my newspaper, I present it just the same to the entirety of my fellow citizenry.

I start thus, with relevant articles:

Cabinet Presentation:

Announcement Speech:

Demand Better: A High and Stable Canadian Dollar

Statement of Beliefs (Quebecois Edition):

Statement of Beliefs (Suspicious similiar Treian edition):

YouTube Ads:


I come to the Presidential elections with the most "on-the-job" experience of any candidate, an ambition and drive to improve our nation, and a record of doing so. I have been privileged and honored with the awesome responsibilities that the job entails, and know what is required of a President in War and Peace. I have an inate understanding that exceeds my rivals in both foreign affairs and economics, and more than my share of military strategy and tactics. It is fair to say that the government we have today has grown out of the philosophies introduced during my previous tenure.

It is fair to say too, that the present William Duncan/Derek Harland administration, while agreeing with perhaps 90% of the underlying government philosophies of its predecessor, has veered far past the extremes of logic in several fundamental areas. If you have enjoyed how our country has been run for the past two months under William Duncan/Derek Harland, you will likely enjoy its standard bearer in these elections. If, however, you feel that the ship of state has sailed far past the islands of reason and logic, I invite you to Demand Better.

I invite you to Demand better of the government in its economic policy. As President I stand for strong budgetary priorities, but I stand for them in within our means. The William Duncan/Derek Harland administration has budgeted, in the worst case, a monthly budget of 270,000 Canadian. This irrational number is near 50% more than was spent by Canada during the entirety of World War III! A Jacobi administration, as it has always done, would meet the needs of the CAF without going through ridiculous gluttony and crowd pleasing numbers. I stand for a budget of realistic revenues and expenses that are sustainable within our economy, I stand for a 0.033 Canadian dollar that will be stable throughout the entirety of my administration. I stand for programs that can exhibit value for dollars, a government based on reasonable targets and goals. I will not pander as the William Duncan/Derek Harland administration has done, because you will demand better.

I invite you to Demand better of the government in its administration. As President, I have stood for increased security in cabinet, limited access meaning limited damage in worst case scenarios. The William Duncan/Derek Harland administration has created a Federal Civil Service, a diffusion of responsibility, a promised increase in organizations, a glut of bureaucrats with extremely limited accountability. Perhaps a beleaguered William Duncan/Derek Harland administration which had already lost Immigration Canada once sees a use in 50 Department Heads, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and bureaucrats. I see it as inefficient waste, a guessing game of who is really in charge of what and where writ large, with the loser being Congress and Canada. The Jacobi government will have, as it had, clear lines of accountability. The Jacobi administration will have clear and consistant communication. And, ultimately, I will be happy to be accountable to my government, since I will have appointed my team to stand behind me. I will be accountable, because you will demand better.

Finally, I invite you to Demand better of the government in its foreign policy. As President, I stood clearly for strong alliances, reaching out past traditional allies, and an activist foreign policy in the promotion of freedom and liberty. In doing so, we joined EDEN, made lasting friendships in the Pacific, and earned an excellent international reputation. But we knew our limits. Would I have spent 100 gold on grain companies while our MPP with Malaysia lapsed at a critical moment? Would I have spent 75 gold on a hospital in Switzerland without Congression approval or any fanfare? Would I have made peace with France without consulting with our allies as required under the EDEN treaty? No, because I know you demand better of our government than to drop the ball on the world stage.

If you demand better of a government at home and abroad, if you demand better of a government in how it operates, if you demand better of a government in how it takes on its role in our economy, then I invite you to stand with me and my Team as we build a better government, and build a better Canada.

I end with one promise, which by making will force me to attempt to keep. A babyboom has always been an elusive goal in Canadian history...we dream of a population that exceeds our size in the real world, and in theory with the amount of Canadians with access to the internet being the highest in the world, this is an attainable goal. I will, to that end, attempt to do my best to emulate other successful efforts by getting some sort of media interview by the end of my first term. As an accomplished public speaker, and someone who isn't afraid to use my real name, I think we may do well by advertising the new world in the real world.

Thank you, fellow citizens, for your consideration, and I hope that come December 5 we will be able to, together again, to demand better.

John "Jacobi" Carpenter