Magic Hot Air Balloon picks new target, Europe clears up slightly.

Day 740, 14:09 Published in Germany United Kingdom by Dncelyn

Listen up people, big news. As we are all aware, the Northern Hemisphere is starting to enter Winter. Whats the big deal, it happens every year?

I'll tell you whats the big deal. The Magic Hot Air Balloon runs off warm temperatures. As the Northern Hemisphere cools, the MHAB will start to lose it's grip over Europe. This is the good news.

The bad news is that the Southern Hemisphere will start to warm up. I'm expecting to see significant increases in Magic Hot Air Balloon attacks in South America, and Australia.

Taking a look at my prediction maps, you can see an alarming change in the influence in South America.

South America currently.

My predictions for a month ahead.

Obviously this is a significant change. Because of current issues going on in South America (PTOs, Venezuela) the Magic Hot Air Balloon will be able to easily take over the minds of some citizens. Chaos weakens the mental barrier, you see. What does this mean for us in the Northern Hemisphere? It means we need to lend aid to those in South America. I am considering going on a trip down there to promote peace and teach people how to properly defend themselves. I urge others to do the same.

Another thing it means is that we must fight back while the Magic Hot Air Balloon is still weak here! I predict that if we can raise up a powerful enough mental barrier, we can reduce Magic Hot Air Balloon influence in Europe 20%! An outstanding number.

These are the newest prediction maps I have up:

The current levels of MHAB influence in the world

My predictions for December 20th 2009, after the Magic Hot Air Balloon shifts its dirty tethers south.

We must capitalize on this moment my friends, we must not death!