Habitat for eHumanity

Day 740, 13:26 Published in Canada Canada by Habitat for eHumanity

EDIT: Habitat for eHumanity is up and running thanks to many generous donations. Please see this article if you are a new player and would like to participate more in eRepublik life.

Hey there and thanks for taking the time to read up on Habitat for eHumanity. First, I'd like to give you a brief history on how this charitable organization came about. It was originally the brain child of Chamrajnagar after he and myself (Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith) were brainstorming on what kind of charity would benefit eCanada the most. It has no political affiliation and is a not-for-profit charity.

What we came up with is Habitat for eHumanity, an organization that will provide houses to newer members of our community who show an interest in being involved in the eCanada community by way of eCanada forums and IRC. Houses will be available in three ways, on loan, working to acquire one and subsidized housing.

The first way, on loan will require the person receiving the house to donate the house back to the organization once they no longer have any use for it so that we may pay it forward once again to someone else.

The second way, we will be setting up a Q1 housing company and will offer people jobs at fair market wages. They will have to complete several tasks such as registering their nickname on IRC, working 14 straight days and registering on the forums. Once they've completed their tasks, they will then receive a Q1 house that will be theirs to keep.

Finally, eventually we will offer up houses of all qualities at subsidized prices. The idea is that we will purchase houses from Canadian companies and then sell them back to people at a discount. This will require a lot of money but this way Canadian companies are not undercut and people can also receive a break on housing costs.

We feel that this will benefit the eCanadian community as well as keep more people engaged and hopefully involved in the community.

Of course, we cannot do this all ourselves. Both Cham and I are committed to donating a large portion of our eFortunes to this project but we are in need of donations of all kinds from our community. We desperately need Q1 houses as well as money but we'll take anything that you don't want or would like to donate.

We've had some very generous donors so far:

Chucky Norris
No Idea
Canadian Social Democrats
Ozymandias Malifozik
Derek Harland
Daniel Hawkins
Artorius Perim
Ralph Kline
Jenno Richardson
William Duncan
Captain Sam
Spencer Magee
Anthony Hurley
Mr. Hopwood
Drew Brittain
Emilio Sanchez
Tom Hagen
Goran Thrax
Gary Hubert