10 Questions with Scrabman

Day 562, 11:19 Published in USA USA by Dr. Gordon Freeman

I had the chance to have a sit-down with President Scrabman, and ask him a few questions. These questions were asked because many articles had concerns regarding them. None of his answers have been changed or edited.


1) Mr. President, with the fall of ATLANTIS and the growing power of PEACE, the eUS will need to join another alliance. What would you like to see change between this new alliance and ATLANTIS? Would you want the eUS to lead it? If not, who would YOU trust with this authority?

- I want a new alliance to be focused on attainable goals or the simple goal of defending our vital interests rather than trying to liberate the world. The eUSA would be a vital part of leading such an alliance but does not have to lead it solely. An elected official should lead such an alliance ... elected from the member nations.
2) Due to the recent eGermany-eSweden conflict, many citizens have debated over the morality of such wars. Should morals play any part in military action, or should the eUS base its actions upon the strengths of other nations?

- Morals don't enter into it from my perspective. As I've said in my latest article, I'm trying to play this game based upon game mechanics rather than role playing.
3) Recent polls show that the eUS has continuous confidence in your leadership. Many, however, question the amount of secrecy that surrounds your administration. Is this all necessary for national security? Will this change in the upcoming months?

- The claims of secrecy are overblown. There is always a need for secrecy in sensitive matters. It's not like I don't talk to the Congress about these things in the special Congress parts of the Forums and that I don't talk to other leaders of Congress and the Military in the President parts of the Forums. Thus, I don't think that I have any more secrecy in my administration than in any other. Perhaps much less secrecy by comparison.

4) The idea of term limitations has been thrown around by a number of citizens. In your own opinion, are they worth having? Also, will you consider another bid for re-election, after this one?

- Term limits are a matter of the voters deciding when they are tired of a leader. I think that the stress of the job works as a natural term limitation. I didn't plan on running for a third term but enough people have asked me to do so that I agreed. I can't imagine running again and will not be seeking a 4th term. Congress and others have recently been talking about placing unenforcable limitations on aspects of the game. This just makes us all look foolish.
5) Citizens have begun to question the increase of bureaucratic positions within the eUS. Some of gone as far as claiming that they are simply created to give friends in the government power. Are these positions necessary to maintain, or could they be trimmed to increase efficiency?

- The bureaucratic positions of government are designed to get experts working in those fields because the day when one man (the President) could to it all are over. There is no way that my successor would be able to do this job all by him or herself. These other positions are crucial to my style of governerning where I delegate duties and have those people advise me. This gives them ownership over their programs and ideas and makes those programs more successful in turn.
6) If you could give an incoming president one piece of advice, what would it be?

- Delegate, delegate, delegate and don't let the haters and trolls get to you.

7) War games have been proven to be beneficial to the young citizens of the eUS and to the older ones as well. Do you plan to continue them? Many citizens are also unaware of the costs of these war games. How much does each one cost to wage?

- War games cost about 70-80 gold per fight. For some reason they fluctuate and I've never figured out why. Nithraldur, the President of Ireland, seems to think that it has to do with him "losing" all of those battles. Of course I plan to continue the War Games. They have been incredibly successful and have given us great benefits. The costs of the war games are so very mininal compared to the cost of any real battle that we would also have to pay for.
😎 What is your reaction to the creation of the eUSAF (Air Force) to battle PTOs by other countries? Do you think that it will truly help other countries?

- I'm happy with the creation of the eUSAF and think that such a thing is necessary to assist our allies and friends in resisting PTOs. I would like to also get a civilian core who can also help in this in dire needs.
9) Going back to question 1... What countries would you like to see in the creation of a new alliance? Would you wish the eUS to help shape it?

- The eUSA would always be at the center of working on such a thing as either a new alliance or working to better an existing one. If I had to pick several nations right now for an alliance I would want them to be regional allies with similar interests. Nations like Canada, Ireland, the UK, and Spain are musts. I don't know about adding others as we are still exploring what would be the best type of alliance and what we would want for it to do.
10) Some people fear you are an evil entity, much like the anti-Christ, that has come from the spawn of hell to create chaos in the eWorld. How do you respond to these accusations?

- I tell them that it's true. Perhaps it is. Have you seen my avatar?