$$$Zigon1 More Than Meets The Eye$$$

Day 405, 15:20 Published in USA USA by GoBucks

A few days ago Zigon1 was elected to Congress. Nothing unusual there as he won in Nevada, a smaller state in terms of population. He had 10 votes and his closest opponent, El_Gringo, a USWP candidate had 4. It was obvious Nevada preferred Zigon1, perhaps it was simple party line voting as there are quite a few LiB members in Nevada.

Yesterday, zigon1, took his first step as a Congressman. He proposed a change to the oil tax, thinking to raise the income tax from 10% to 20%. A proposal that was proposed without proper precedings in the eUSA forums which require the support of five congressmen. Therefore it was instantly shot down, not to mention there is no need for a raise in income taxes as the price of oil is already high enough. The final vote total was a staggering 0 Yes and 47 No.

Today zigon1 made his second and final proposal in Congress. Once again he did not follow the proper precedings in the eUSA Forums and the bill was shot down just like his previous proposal. He noticed very early on that this proposal was not going to pass so he posted this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/congress-with-troubles-715302/1 To sum it up, he complains about the ego of Congressmen and how it drives him crazy.

Shortly after posting his article he took a big step. He resigned his Congress seat and moved to Indonesia where he now resides. That was a pretty bold move to make, so people began to get curious about the true intentions of this guy. My fellow Congressman, Adrian Caparzo, made a very startling discovery about Zigon1. Zigon1 was a multi-accounter with at least 4 other accounts, see here for the evidence: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/donate/list/1209486/1 He has already been reported to the admins at least twice.

I think there are a couple lessons we should learn about this:

1. We as a nation need to be much more careful about who we vote into congress. It seems very odd to me that a state could vote in a multi-accounter. At first I thought it was just his other accounts yet the XP minimum on voting only allows two of his accounts to vote. This means roughly 7 other citizens voted for him. I will not blame them for Zigon's actions but I think we all need to be much, much more careful about who we allow in our Congress.

2. The other lesson relates to the way Congress operates. Some people have criticized the way things work and I think this is a great example of why we have the rules in effect. The eUSA Forums is a simple way of preventing proposals that have no benefit to the people from ever getting proposed. Also let this be a lesson to all Congressmen who have yet to join the eUSA Forums, if you want to get somewhere as a Congressmen join up there and be active.