Day 2,013, 00:13 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Report – Day 2,012: Congress Elections Tomorrow

Day 2012, that of prophecy and legend~

Dateline: Wednesday, May 24th (Day 2,012)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR
1. Congress Tomorrow
2. DoE Reprint
3. Webcomic of the Day

Congress Elections Imminent!
Secretary of Media Paul Proteus

This could be you America!

Good Morning eAmerica, how are you? The more astute of you will notice that the 25th has creeped up upon us yet again, and with that comes Congressional Elections. As always the AFA continues to attempt their hostile takeover of our country, luckily for us (though unfortunate in other ways), with the current Congressional rules voting instructions are easy.


American Military Party has messed up their congress list, and now top spots are filled with AFA party members. IF YOU ARE A MEMBER OF AMP, DO NOT VOTE FOR YOUR PARTY. VOTE FOR FEDS, WTP, OR USWP

Step 1: Vote for any Party aside from the AFA or AMP; Feds, WTP and USWP are all acceptable options.
Step 2: Save America
Step 3: Profit!


So yeah, tomorrow, the 25th be prepared to vote for any one of these fine dandy American parties, elect another great Congress for America and next we move on to Unity elections for CP.

See you on election day, and remember, Vote anyone but AFA or AMP,

E pluribus unum eUSA~

DoE ShortCuts
Reprint from the Department of Education Article

Shamelessly rreprinted from the DoE because more people should see this

This is a useful bit of eRep knowledge you may not know brought to you by The Dept. of Education.

To make our eRepublik experience simpler and easier, the game allows a few shortcuts which allow us to access various ingame features easily. These shortcuts allow us to access ingame features easily and quickly, without having to needless click through and save time for the average eRep player.

To check your storage and the items in it, use Shift+S.
For checking any new ingame alerts that you may have received, use Shift+A.
To check “My places, use Shift+L
For accessing your MU, use Shift+M
If you want to access your companies, use Shift+C
To check the top news internationally, use Shift+T
For writing a new message, use Shift+N.
To check the full array of shortcuts available to you-and incase you forget any of these-, use Shift+K.

These are the things you click and stuff

Web-Comic of the Day

Today's webcomic is another XKCD, as always, enjoy~

The eNPR Schedule:

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Friday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific) on www.radiostaronline.net.

eNPR will be live Fridays at 19:00 with your hosts, President Artela and Jude Connors.

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.

Recommended Reading:

Dept of Education: [DoE] Library of Informative Links
This is the complete and comprehensive list of all resources available to US players.
Dept of Interior: [DoI] Free Stuff for America
Free stuff, fairly self explanatory
WHPR: [WHPR] Civil Service Job Fair
Want a job working in Civil Service? Click here!

Media Around the Net
Some compiled media for your viewing pleasure:

Interesting Reads

-AMP Congress Editions from FreeArea
-Fed Congress Update from Derphoof

On the Forums
-What is the Aftermath of Unity?
-Thread about EDEN
-Regarding AIM

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

::: Shout It! :::

WHPR: Day 2,012
Congress and Education Reprint

Paul Proteus, Secretary of Media
" If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future … God help you."
-Portal 2

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