~War on American Turf!~

Day 360, 19:37 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

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About an hour ago, Brazil declared a war upon Argentina. Citizens, prepare for the most fun experience of your e-life.

Argentina, a member of Atlantis, has a Mutual Protection Pact with the United States. This means that, for the first time since South Africa v Indonesia, the United States is going to be an official factor in a war!

Many of you doubted me when saying “This term, I promise war”, but now you can see. Argentina is going to have the help of ALL countries in Atlantis, especially that of the United States.

National Guard,
Special Forces,
Innocent Civilians:

Participate in this war! You don't even need to move. The fight is coming to us!

If you are 9.00+ strength and have a decent rank (Captain or above), then the United States will give you gold to fight. Please leave a comment in this newspaper if that is the case.

If you are in a foreign country, then get your ass back home!

If you are going to be very active on erepublik for the next couple days, then let me know that you will be able to help distribute supplies and give gifts. Please leave a comment in this newspaper if that is the case.

Time to show PEACE what we're made of, America. The declaration is sitting at 3 yes and 0 no for the time being. If the war does not go through, expect a big update in the media.


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P.S. - The following regions have Q4 hospitals: California, Colorado, D.C., Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Texas, and Virginia