[jamesw] A domestic plan

Day 917, 13:20 Published in Ireland France by Hell The Great

Friends, thank you for your support so far. I'd like to thank everyone from every party for their feedback, and support. Whilst people often get caught up in the political parties element; its important to remember that elections are not about parties, but are about candidates. I don't want anyone blindly voting for, or against, me or JB just because of who supports us, or what party we are in: judge us on our policies.

The main theme which will run through this manifesto is my belief that we need to refocus ourselves, and the cabinet, to ensure that we are not overlooking the most important part of this game: internal progression. It is by involving people in our government structures that we give them a reason to login again. It is by focusing on informing people about our community that we give them a reason to get involved. It is by bombarding people with links to the forums, IRC, helpful guides and letting them know theres a huge community out there, that we can try to make people live longer than a day.

In terms of ministries, I would seek to continue the 5 pillars as put forward by Iain Keers last month: Ministry of Work, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Legislative Affairs. I'll now outline the basics of what I'd like each ministry to do as part of their domestic remit.

The Ministry of Work

The Ministry of Work is no longer focused on providing skill 0 employment; because the admins have fixed the loophole. I think that this month, the ministry should focus on what its been doing so far: providing our military with Raw Materials. Our current requirements however, are below what the ministry create. As well as this, many of our companies are full of lovely foreign licenses. So instead of stockpiling, I would instruct the ministry to sell the excess materials created, to subsidise the overall cost of supplying our military, as close to 0 as possible.

I would also ask the ministry to spread out the workload. In its current form, we have a minister who does much too much! As an ex-minister of work who was guilty of the same, I feel strongly that we should ensure we can provide something to do, for as many people as possible: not only does it keep people active; it allows them to broaden their experience: and these are the Ministers, Prime Ministers, etc, of tomorrow.

Other than that, the ministry's current setup is going swimmingly: so not much else would really need to be changed.

Foreign Affairs

Not so much of a ministry, more of a silent worker. We need more communication, not just to our allies, but also to our own citizens: I would seek a minimum of 1 article a week outlining the events within the worl😛 battles, PTOs, alliances: it would be great to ensure everyone has an idea about the bigger picture. This is something which will help new and old players: because those who know, or understand the knock-on effects of the game are in the vast minority in the UK.

It'll also give people a much more rounded experience of the game, specifically the game mechanics, and just how dastardly clever things have gotten, and allow the next generation of players a detailed of report of how the war module can work; everyone needs this knowledge, whether they are a minister, or in the army, or just passing through.

Home Affairs

The ministry has, and always will be a beast. It is huge, but then, it needs to be. I would, however, like to see some streamlining where possible. First and foremost, we need to focus on the basics. We should be having PMing campaigns, at least once a week.

Recruitment for the forums, and for IRC, is the main remit of this ministry, and each department should remember that: they need to find a place for themselves in this recruitment. In terms of makeup, I'm happy to let a minister who will dedicate him, or her, self to the ministry decide on the basics, however one thing that needs to be plastered across everyones face is:

What are you doing to get, or keep, people active?

The ministry should be focused purely on our in game community; as I have said in the past, and will continue to say: the forum community is so strong, active and vibrant, that we don't need to waste our time pestering them to do things: we should be spending it on expanding the community, which can (and always has) entertained itself. Dioists, Bobloists, BBH, PD, I'm not ashamed to say I search for, and interact with everything. Thats because its part of the allure of the forums; its why we all keep going back.

I'd also like to see volunteer opportunities for those who don't have the time, or chance, to become a part of the ministry, but I will explain this in more detail below.

Legislative Affairs

There is no point in beating around the bush: MoLA is a role which has, until now, involved little tangible benefit to the majority of the population. I'm pleased to announce Project Government, which I'd ideally see introduced as soon as I took office.

Project Government will basically be a forum, and an IRC, where government ministries, the military, Presidents, Parties: anyone, can offer citizens of the UK the chance to assist them in whatever is going on. Military recruitment campaigns can be announced, and soldiers, ministry workers, normal forum users new or old can volunteer to message certain lists of people.

By spreading the workload, and allowing anyone to take part, more things will be done by more people, and those who miss out on government roles but still want to assist, will have a route to do so. Not only this, they can also include the work they've done in their "e-cv" next time they apply for a government job. The main focus for this is to increase co-operation, and integration, between the military, ministries, and the people: very little is shared or asked between the 3 types, and I think not only will this mean that campaigns take less time (and can be done more often), but it'll also go a long way to breaking down any barriers between our citizens, because of their choice to focus on politics/the military/their company/their friends.

Thanks to everyone who helped in the formulation of this manifesto: I am happy to discuss policy with anyone, and look forward to publishing my next manifesto: the economics.

You should definitely give this a listen, its great

A Presidential Candidate
