[TIA/RUS] Важно! Кодеры — инсайд.

Day 971, 09:46 Published in Russia USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

Dear Senators, officers, ladies and gentlemen, subscribers from distant states. In this article, I would suggest that you consider my idea that, about a week ago, I sent for consideration to our esteemed president.

I have been a U.S. citizen for just a few months, but I can say with certainty that during this short stay in this beautiful country that I have learned and received much more than I expected. In real life, I am a citizen of the country which is called the Ukraine, and is famous for its ambiguous attitude towards the national identity of its population. In this game, I also began my e-life as a Ukrainian citizen, but soon I went to Russia where I have played a modest role in the history of that great country. Not so long ago, I left Russia and went to the U.S.. As you might guess, to get U.S. citizenship, especially for a Russian, especially for the former president - it is an incredibly difficult thing. But, thanks to my American friends, I passed with flying colors all the interrogations and trials, and soon received a green card.

I always follow all the rules in the environment in which I live, and have great respect for all the details that create a climate of cultural environment. I am very careful about such things, and I always try to not disturb the system by my “invasive” origin.

But I also had the opportunity to observe the phenomenon of INCI. This group was a parasite on the organism of America, pouring its barbaric blood in the American media, absolutely denying any possibility of assimilation. They refused to accept American culture: language, traditions, respect for indigenous people. It was a mistake. But no one could foresee it. America got more than half of thousands of barbarians, who sucked the gold from America, pollute the media space, and otherwise annoyed many Americans.

Is it worth it? You decide. But America has a very unpleasant lesson. Earlier, the tough immigration policy has become even tougher.

Despite this, I believe America should not give up on receiving injections of gold and precious human resources from the outside world. This is what gave me the idea for the green card program.

Many of my wealthy and educated friends from Russia and Ukraine are ready to open a business, assist, and work for the United States. They, like me, are attracted by the opportunity to improve their English language skills (many of them students, or just studying English), they want to join the highly developed American community to enjoy its features, not to change and spoil it. But due to the fact that getting American citizenship is very difficult -they are sent to Serbia, Poland, and Hungary. They begin to work on the economy of the enemy states. They indirectly begin to work against America.

But if we could develop a system of tests checking the level of language skills, financial ability to build large businesses in the U.S. - we could create a quota, even a very small one (~20 per month), but the effectiveness of those who get into it will be really terrific. We could charge a fee for participation in the program, take a pledge for a while to make sure the integrity of the intentions of the participants, develop programs to integrate into American society ... We would have many advantages such as strengthening the economy and defense. We could create the image and reputation of the e-country of e-opportunities. Develop a lottery program for business, for those who learn English and tanks. We have thousands of options.

Of course, I can not judge this idea, since I'm not a native eAmerican. It is very important for me to hear the opinion of native eU.S. citizens.

Regards, Sunbeliever.
P.S. Special thanks to Greenday4537, SGT_NX, and other guys from TC.