[::]The history of PEACE countries inside PEACE - vol II- Germany[::]

Day 715, 10:12 Published in Serbia Portugal by Arthk

Fellow citizens,

in the prologue I have explained a few basic things about alliances from my point of view, now, in the second part, I will tell you something about the eGerman past, which clearly explains of what alliances are made of and why we are very happy to be a member of PEACE.

The sinking of Atlantis

eGermany was on the way to join PEACE one time, long time ago, but the then eGerman government instead finally decided to join Atlantis. During the one-month trial membership Kalle Holm became President of eSweden (ATLANTIS member nation) in may with the promise to declare war against eGermany and so he did. Together with ePoland eSweden began the conquest of eGermany. Some allies stand strong on the side of eGermany, others like the eUSA under Scrabman declared themselves neutral, leaving eGermany alone and just watched. Sure, some eUS-citizens still continued to fight for eGermany, I do not want to conceal this. But the eUS-government decided for the stronger eNations eSweden and ePoland. And let the little eGermany perish in spite of numerous intensive discussions, appeals and articles. The eUS-decission makes sense strategically, no doubt, but of course it was a fiasco for their trustworthiness and morality!

The enemy in the White House

As the military attacks came to an end, they used some dirty tricks. The eSwedish spy shoot (under Starkad Ministrer of Interior) was elected as president with the help of imported citizens. (Explanation for the younger citizens: Before the implenentation of citizenship you had automatically the citizenship with all the voting-rights in every country you were staying at this moment.) Shoot withdrew from every fight, so eGermany had just one last (native austrian) region, Vorarlberg. War was lost and eGermany swapped from the map, erased by traitors and FEIGLINGE. We were attacked by our own allies, betrayed and defeated ... And to the ones who wonder at this place, where PEACE was to protect us: Well. We were a member of the rival Alliance Atlantis, allied with enemies of PEACE. And eGermany was wiped off the map before new relationships could be made and MPPs could be signed!

And then? Then came PEACE! Hungary, France and Italy conquered the territories of eSchweden ePoland back, faster than they were willing to accept. And despite all the prophecies of doom eGermany get all its regions up to Bavaria back immediately, without having to pay for it. It again seemed to go up in eGermany. But not for a long time.

The enemy if my Congress

The admins announced the new citizenship and the Polish Takeover Unit (PTU) saw their chance. Well organized they were running for congress election and gained a majority in Congress (23 of 40 seats). Shortly thereafter, they printed more than 600000 DEM with 3000 gold. This big amount of money was more than enough to ruin and dominate our economy for years. So we had a lot of proposal competitions in eGerman congress at this time. eGerman and ePolish congressmembers gave their best to propose first a donation, every 24 hours, until late into the night. Usually the eGermans were faster, but not once.

A short explanation: The 600000 DEM were located in the "treasury" of eGermany and if you want to use this, you had to donate this money to an Org. You can even donate a maximum of 99999 DEM and just one donation (not more than one go at same time) every 24 hours (plus the "maintenance period" of erep). So we loyal eGerman congressmembers triedto be as fast as possible and save the money by proposing another donation if the previous one expired. The F5-key suffered heavily at this time! It was clear that they would not go through congress with majority, but we were able to block Donations to the PTU. In parallel, President Gobba blocked with the "buy" of Q1-Defense Systems more DEM (highest price here 99999 plus taxes). But it was clear that we with our limited proposals (only two per congressmember) would not be able to block this for the whole congress-period and because of this eHungary came again to help us.

eHungary „attacks“ again

eGermany used the remaining open war with eFrance for an attack, which activated the French MPP with eHungary. eHungary started the "attack" and eGerman President Gobba withdrew from the battlefield, until only the Saarland was left and eHungary had captured 500000 DEM (by conquering a region the attacker capture always a part of the gold and the national currency of the defeated state). The cost of the "attacks" were paid by the auction of the Battle Hero medals. The ePolish propaganda articles and some formerly eGerman prophets of doom predicted us that we have would never get back the money nor the regions, but we trusted eHungary.

eRussia voting-help

After the loss of money the PTU was very angry (remember: They have collected 3.000 Gold from citizens who want now their money back) and was running amok. They increased the minimum wage to 1000 DEM and the main taxes. eGermany should be economically ruined. But not only that, the PTU also had its own presidential candidate with their own founded party, Adam Blayer. The choice seemed to be exciting, because the ePolish congressmembers were able to give more citizenships than we could and they had more than 200 votes at the congress-election. Around 500-600 voices seemed to be necessary in order to gain a safe election. And from where we get the help? From PEACE-member eRussia. Their anti-takeover unit moved to our eCountry and our congressmembers gave them citizenships. This helped us and we were able win this election. As chairman of congress, I coordinated this and I want to thank romool again at this place for the proper co-operation!

Loss of Congress members and another Traitor as President

At the day of congress-election we had 17 loyal congress-members but some of them did not survive for long time (1x permaBan, 1x spiteful ex-girlfriend, 2x resignation by clicking an advertisement, 1x holiday, 1x hack, 1x quit game). So the ePolish guys some day had a 2/3-majority and impeached our President Gobba and Adam Blayer took over eGermans highest Office, issued misleading welcome news for our new citizens and a trade embargo against eUK.

Canada MPP was adopted by ePolish Members

Without congressional majority, we could not accept MPPs to protect our eCountry. Just one MPP with eCanada was signed, without any words to eGerman government or anything else. However, the eGerman congressmembers voted No and the ePolish yes. And why? Because this MPP seemed to be our death. At this time we had still some MPPs with PEACE-nations (for example eHungary) and eHungary was attacking at this time North America. By an activated MPP with Canada, we would have lost the MPPs and protection of our allies and our enemies in north and east would have no problems to defeat us again. But with the eHungarian „attack“ of our regions we were able to avoid this danger.

eGerman triumph by iron will and unity

But again, we absolutely needed a majority in congress and with the five regions at this time, it seemed the easiest to have enough candidates in our most important parties (just the the five largest parties could participate in the election). As Minister of Interior I was responsible for the coordination, but it seemed impossible to find 175 candidates who would adhere exactly to my instructions and run in the correct region and party. (5 parties, 5 regions, 7 candidates per region and party) But what can I say, we won! eGermany was willing to get rid of the ePolish and so we managed 180 candidates. NOT ONE PTU-guy was able to find a place to candidate and no ePolish was elected!

Welcome back eGermany

The taxes and the minimum wage were restored immediately and since august eGermany is on its way back. With the MPPs from our allies we are protected against invasion plans and are developing slowly but surely into a vital and vibrant eNation. And what happened with the regions and the money, „conquered“ by eHungary? We got back the 500,000 DEM and all regions. Without having to pay for it! By auctioning the Resistance Hero medals, we earned even quite a bit of profit, which was referred to 100% of our national bank!
Its great to have such amazing allies!


The German Eagle
- President of eGermany -

PS. Sorry for my crappy english, but I am practising here in erep😁 And thx to Woldy for erasing the biggest faults!
PPS. Vote and subscribe to read the next chapters of eGermans way to PEACE.

Teil I: Prolog
Teil II: Vergangenheit

Part I: Prologue
Part II: Past

Vol I: Prólogo
Vol II: Passado... coming soon...