[jamesw] An Economic Plan

Day 917, 19:09 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

The Ministry of Finance

This month, I would ask our Ministry of Finance to oversee a new plan; the Wealth Creation Scheme.

The WCS will be used to provide reliable employment for our armed forces when off rotation. Its main task however, will be to provide reasonable wages and sell goods at fair prices. Company Owners can sign up in two different schemes:

- The Preference Scheme

This will mean your company is run competely by our ministry of finance. You will not need to push a button. The companies profits will be split 80:20 in the ministries favour, and will be paid to you weekly. The ministry will have access, as will some army officials, in case employees need to be fired to deploy abroad. Your companys safety will be guaranteed, however.

- The Entrance Scheme

This will require you to stock the company, and sell the companies goods, yourself. It will be necessary for some army officials (General Staff) to retain access to your company, in case of an emergency deployment abroa😛 however your companys safety will be guaranteed. The profits from running the companies will be split 60:40 in the ministries favour, and will be paid to you weekly.

The thinking behind this scheme is simple: we need reliable employment for our armed forces to earn a reasonable wage whilst off rotation. It is a fact that no country in V2 can afford to invest vast amounts of GOLD, so we must ask our citizens to help out. It isn't a bad deal though, everyone has disused companies that they aren't running: through time constraints, or boredome. This scheme will not only allow them to earn (albeit reduced) profit, but also shave vast amounts of time required when running a company, as well as helping the UK. It'll also give the ministry a chance to teach players who are interested in learning about companies, practical experience.

This scheme will be run by the Minister of Finance, who will take on a team to run it. Companies will be assessed for profitability (products, customization, licenses.) Should your company be a match: your application will be accepted, and as soon as you are ready, the company can begin working. Wages will need to be supplied.

Parliamentary Committee for Finance

Using the committee system which Iain Keers introduced last month, I would like to begin the tentative steps to giving more financial information, and legitimacy, to our congress. This committee would report regular spending to congress, as well as trying to keep both the president and cabinet to account. Spending will be granted, as normal, by the Minister of Finance.

The committees role will be advisory. It will be tasked with making weekly itemised reports to congress, and having a constructive dialogue with the Ministry of Finance about how to maximise income, and minimise expenditure. The committee will be made up exclusively of congressmen, due to the nature of the information involved.

I want to stress that this is a tentative step, we need to learn from the mistakes of the past: the ministries contain the people who invest the time to run our country, congress should have no such power, because it requires no such dedication. Should congress wish to wield the power; they can join ministries and work their way up.

The committee will then report the countries spending, income, and any themes they can identify to congress every Sunday. Tax increases/decreases will be discussed by the committee in conjunction with the public (Public Discussion) and Congress (House of Commons.)

It is also my hope that this will cultivate more interest in the economic side to the game, and encourage more people to get involved with the Ministry of Finance, and all that it does.


As everyone knows, a wild version appeared recently. As such, the way we set ourselves up in the past has changed, slightly. To understand how we need to change, we need to realise what types of jobs will be in demand the most.

First and foremost, we need harvesters. Our land sector was always much, much smaller, than our manufacturing one. The fact of the matter is, Raw Materials are in much more demand than they were in V1: it isn't 1 grain for Q1 food anymore, Q5 food uses 9 times as much RM than it did in the past, and with the removal of the Quality aspect of Raw Materials, and Durability aspect to weapons: its clear that admins intention is to move away from manufacturing dominated economies.

Everyone has noticed RMs now make up a vast amount of a finished goods cost; this is because more RM is required for each product; so if more is required per product, and we produce less per company thanks to everything effectively being Q1: its clear we need to focus ourselves accordingly. The fact we now also have delicious oil means to fully take advantage of our blessed materials: we need a big sector of harvesters.

This is why I will be pushing new players into predominantly harvester positions, it should be our biggest sector now, given we have 2 RMs to produce.

As well as this, with durability, weapons can last for much, much longer now. A durability of 30 can last for 15-20 days: as the majority of people will only use it once, maybe twice, each day, before dying. As such, our weapons industry needs to be a fraction of what it was. Food remains a priority; we're all desperate for the wellness and happiness it provides. As for MTs and houses, thanks to changes in formulas and rules, they are not as needed as they once were. Hospitals and DS's do not need to be recurring; though they should account for a small amount of our economic industry.

Currently, weapons account for 45% of our economic skills. It is worth noting that roughly 10% of our "active" community will only be working privately for one out of every two weeks, thus ~40% of our customization points are currently in a shrinking industry. Its clear this isn't sustainable.

A mere ~17% of our customization has gone to Harvester. This has actually fallen from V1, where 20% of our workers were land. Placing an exact number on the size is, quite frankly, pointless. We should keep expanding until both our oil, and grain, industries are healthy. As a guideline, our Grain industry (pre V2) was almost healthy, so I'd say around 35-40% would be a pretty good guideline to aim for, as the global demand for oil is much smaller.

As for the rest of the industries; it is important we realise that customization is not a real choice; weapons which aren't high attack, or high damage, are useless. Food which gives solely happiness, is useless. Houses which last for 10 days, are useless.

Which is why Engineers, Technicians, Producers, Builders are more important than the other types of employees in Weapon, Food and House/Hospital/DS companies. These are the skills we need to ensure are well occupied, although obviously not to the same extent Harvesters are.

I'm wary of this turning into a hugely tl;dr article, so I'll finish section by that instructions on how to migrate (people who haven't already) or specialise (new players) must be on the wiki, and in the welcoming message. To fully appreciate how vital this is, I would set this task to be the first of my project government iniative I previously announced.

Finally, (sorry for the article length in advance) I'd like to also commit to one, vital component; we will not be spending more than we earn under a jamesw administration. The fact is, no country can, and no country should. This also rules out any changes in our tax structure: we cannot afford to lose income, but we also cannot afford to bankrupt our citizens. I feel that not only will my economic plan ensure we have the ability to take advantage of our situation and increase our income, but we can also hopefully empower the individuals which make up our society to also take advantage of the economic module and enhance their own gameplay by making some money for themselves.

You should definitely give this a listen, its great

A Presidential Candidate
