[Party President Platform: I]

Day 386, 14:46 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

Hello all,

I know I promised an interview with Zagarius for today, but he hasn't sent me anything, yet. I'm hoping to receive it soon.

In the mean time, this goes out to all my fellow AAP members: my platform for party president.

Uncle Sam
So I'm running against Uncle Sam who is ranked third in the nation. He's well known and his paper has more subscribers than mine. So clearly I'm the underdog. Uncle Sam championed the recruiting efforts during the months of Evan Bayh and has a huge successful business operation going. Without a doubt Uncle Sam is experienced.

Since Uncle Sam gained office, we jumped to 220+ members, and last night after the announcement of Isac Newton as head of Recruitment, we dropped to 199 and are back up to 200 (as of 14:35 eRep time).

Uncle Sam has been a great influence on this party and a champion of its ideals but it is time for someone younger with less of a reputation to uphold and more time to dedicate to the party.

My Resume
I have been active in the party since Evan Bayh was last PP. I have helped HEM gain office and worked tirelessly for Leo Ruby's nomination and presidential campaign. Lately I've been working hard across many fronts in the party: Co-Director of Public Relations; Director of Welfare; Administrator of the Forums; and I just designed the new website.

As Co-Director of Public Relations I took charge of the party's media presence during Uncle Sam's absence these past few days and was Directing both sides of the Public Relations while my colleague ran for President.

The welfare program in the AAP, as many can tell you, has relied for the most part on unorganized volunteer efforts by older players with a generous heart to help younger players in need of gifts. This has even wound down recently. As the new Director I've taken the initiative to make three separate and independent plans on how to raise party capital to use towards keeping our players wellness high, and their loyalty higher. Currently I am working with John Jay, Director of Party Business and Finance on finding good and solid investments for the party.

While HEM was PP I took on the responsibility of administrating the party forums and have kept this position since. I for the most part take care of the forums as HEM has RL issues he's dealing with.

To help the AAP run for Congress I made a website that we can use to host our platforms off of so that every member who has the xp to run and is willing to put the effort forth has his own unique page on the website.

I feel that the effort that put forth into this party and all the crucial areas in which I am working qualify me for Party President. I have learned this party from the ground up and am still learning how to work for it's members so that it's members can make the difference in eUSA. I'm not looking out for myself on this one, I'm looking out for my party and my country. With better educated members who have a better wellness and therefore higher productivity we can do more for America than just a few elite members carrying the load.

The purpose of a party is for all the members to be able to work for the benefit of the country, and that's how I'll run the AAP - help the members so the party as a whole will revolutionize America.