[official] cabinet of September-presidential

Day 1,023, 07:21 Published in India India by Bharatiya Rashtrapati Office

Please find below a list of the current elected Ministers for the Month of September.

I hope u all work for the greater good of our proud enation that our fellow indians striven so hard to achieve.In this release i wanna thank all the old players who still in game with us and who left us for the Real life issues! This country is today what it is still standing for the work of all those great heroes. I dharma vardhan president of this proud nation salute my predecessors for their work!

Indian Armed Forces
Iseutz - Minister of Defence
Deputy MoD -- left to the free will of isuetz to choose contact him

*Commanders will be announced internally via the IAF newspaper shortly

Central Bank of india
shail.back - HEAD of FCOI members
touchofevil - member of FCOI
dharma vardhan - member of FCOI

Indian Foreign Affairs
hsharma83 - Minister of Foreign Affairs
Wall_ster - Deputy of foreign Affairs

Ambassador will be announced internally

Internal Affairs India
Hardstyle4life is selected by me he will be if he chooses so!
Deputy still vacant

TO BE A IAI CADET PM Internal Affairs India

Ministry of Expansion
HSR12 / timber jack

NPF - India's Police
Ashwamedh - NPF Commissioner And adviser of state.
All internal matters are classified and will be taken care of elites!

Indian Forum
TimberJack / hsr12- Head of Forum ( as always good luck)

Minister Of Industries
Touchofevil -- minister
deputy still vacant apply now

To apply for any position you can directly mail me (dharma vardhan) or to the Bharatiya Rashtrapati Office - CLICK HERE


Bharatiya Rashtrapati Office - CLICK HERE
Internal Affairs India - CLICK HERE
Indian Armed Forces - CLICK HERE
Indian Foreign Affairs - CLICK HERE
Ministry of Expansion - CLICK HERE
NPF - India's Police - CLICK HERE

Fight for india !!!! strive for her development and prosper in the mighty india!!!
Long live india!!

Dharma vardhan
President of eindia