[MoD] D1,164: ORDERS! - UPDATED!

Day 1,164, 09:52 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Imperial Army

Food For Samurai (the swords became too expensive) - Join us in the #JIA IRC channel for possible distribution in support of the battles: http://mibbit.com/#JIA@irc.rizon.net

So with the bonus brought by Natural Enemy coming our friends in the eNorth Korea government thought they needed it and since we are nice enough we decided to be target practice. But that won't change our priorities! Well it actually will...

They are linked so if it's easier don't be afraid to click.
Please report to the #JIA on Rizon (IRC Channel) for food distribution.
You do not have to download an IRC client... Mibbit makes it easy: http://mibbit.com/#JIA@irc.rizon.net

When joining the IRC channel please provide your profile link for donation, you must have Japanese citizenship to qualify.

Squibeel, Vice Minister of Defense