***Massive Erepublik Hack and the Admins Response***

Day 425, 15:01 Published in Italy USA by Uncle Sam
Italian edition
Today, some people will log onto their citizens accounts. They will look around and see that not much has changed. Then maybe they will try to exchange some money or make a donation. This is when they find out that something is wrong with erepublik, so they start freaking out. Let me assure you, monetary market and donation issues are not the problem.

Hack of Epic Proportions
Discovered by Bolonia, this glitch or hack gave citizens massive amounts of gold, some amounting to over 55,000. Now many questions are going on at these moments. Here’s information gathered from various places and the speculation going around.

Who: It is said that a lot of the fake gold came from Spain. Other countries have also used it including PEACE countries. There are allegations that individual members of PEACE has been using this glitch longer than ATLANTIS forces have been back by Donation Records such of those belonging to Rafee.

When: There are rumors still yet to be verified that this glitch has been going on since August. These claims can easily be disputed by the fact that when V1 was released, coding changes. If this is true, it is the first time it’s shown up in massive amounts.

How: This is done by transactions through donations and the monetary market. First an organization can donate a sum of gold to a citizen. While it's loading that page, in another tab, the organization buys a monetary market offer. When that is accomplished, the money donated to the citizen is there, however the gold is not removed from the organization, thus duplicating gold.

Why: This was done for many reasons, the wealth, but it appears that the main reason was for military purposes with all of the Resistance Wars that were started around the world.

Admin Action
The site was closed down for a while in order to halt further gold generation. With the erepublik sites down, the Admins had only one way to communicate with the people of erepublik. This was through all the external sites, namely the IRC chat rooms for various countries. Here’s the message that was sent on these chats.

(Belea200😎 This is the Admin message to the citizens of erepublik.
(Belea200😎 1.The eRepublik site will be unavailable for 2 hours.
(Belea200😎 2.The Donations and Monetary Market modules will be disabled by the team for 24 hours.
(Belea200😎 3.The team already started removing illegal Gold from accounts.
(Belea200😎 We kindly ask you to announce this information on all eRepublik related IRC channels and we thank you all for your support.

Here is also the Admin Article released on the issue. Also, they have recently stopped all illegal resistance wars.

Their Solution and What it Does and Does Not Fix
Judging by their plan f action, they fix a lot of what has been done. They are giving themselves time to fix the coding so that this hack won’t happen again while getting rid of the gold already laundered. The parties responsible will be permanently banned from the game, however there may be other innocent bystanders of these events. There are many things that can go wrong with this plan of action. They can easily end up removing legit gold from citizens, or banning the innocent.

Most Importantly, as a global community, we must remember that once this issues is resolved, it’s done. We must not linger in the past, once it’s over, we must not clog media with these issues.

Together, The population of the world demand justice for this inconvenience!
Vote to reach International News

Save Erepublik!
-Uncle Sam-