[Kyle321n Responds] How do we get activity up? Final Part!

Day 800, 22:32 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

This is the third and final part of my series on how to maintain and raise eUS activity. You can find
Part 1 here (all about the military) and Part 2 here (how to keep new players around before they leave on day 1). Today's article is going to focus on some of the better aspects of this game: How to grow your reputation, become a senator, and go on to bigger and better things, the right way. I'm going to show 1 historical player, who is currently 2 clicking, and 2 players who I have watched grow from new players to become 2 of the most powerful members of the eUSA. All 3 of these citizens have been Vice Presidents in the eUSA.

Your gangster is not defined by how low your jeans fall by your waist,
But more how your genes stand over his expectations.
Your gangster is not defined by how many rocks are in your watch,
But rather how many rocks you move while on your watch.
The gangster is absorbed and adored by those that don't understand the laws that govern Gangsterment.
Gangsterment allows you to make up your own laws and create brand new words.
If you believe in Jay-Z then you too can be a gangster by any means necessary.
By owning that dream.
I mean it's a long walk to freedom but, while deep, deep, deep inside the bush.
The war on terror screams, damn it feels good.
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
To be a gangster swagger is not a must, it's a liability, a cliche, a bad suit, cut the bull.
You know if it wasn't for this, there would be no that. Which we call...
The American Gangster.

Citizen #1: Justinious McWallbergson III, Self Proclaimed Former Everything.

It's ok emo kid, I'm praising you

When I came into the game in October '08 (yes I'm old) Justin was already one of the leading economic minds. I believe he may have been Secretary of Treasury or something like that under then President Immuno, and he was running a ton of successful businesses. He was one of the richest eMericans and one of the top employers. He was the leading member of what was then called the United Constitutionalists Party. He ran for president against Roby Petric and Emerick, and unfortunately lost. He would continue to work in congress, and with ThisGenMedia who took over the Presidency when Roby quit because of V1 changes. When ThisGenMedia decided not to run for President, Emerick and Benn Dover squared off in the Presidential election of November '08, and armed with the economic guru Justinious McWallbergson III, Benn won pretty handily. He also won his reelction bid in December. It was finally time after running for president at least 3 times prior and serving 2 terms as VP, for Justin to run for president. He won in January '09, but was then hit with many problems that weren't at all caused by him. This lead to the Americans to see him as a poor president, and it's unfortunate because a lot of great strides were made, and he was in front of a lot of them. The one thing that always stood out to me was Justin's strict adherence to transparency and striving to ensure prosperity through proper economic education and the analysis of statistics. He always was in congress letting us know that we were messing up, and would show us the errors in our ways, even when we felt it was troll like. He would do the same with his Newspaper. Justin was the one who made presidential transparency so popular, and it was passed on to Scrabman, Gaius Julius, and Jewitt. While it may be wrong to compare the liberal Justin and his 1 month term to Reagen, but he was truly a great communicator.

(Que Harrison Richardson's "Justin sucked" comments. Sorry about South Korea, bro. Get over it.)

Citizen #2: Joe DaSmoe, Former VP, Former Marine, Former JCS member, Adviser to countless presidents, and current Congressman.

Oh jesus, he has a gun, who let him in with a gun!?!

I've known Joe since he came into the game. He was one of the original members of the Nationalist Party. I must say I was impressed with this guy. He took on an established senator head on, and he was writing great articles from the very get go. Then he was a surprise VP pick and while Uncle Sam is known for doing a lot of really dumb things, picking this fairly new, unassuming citizen to run as his VP was easily his best decision. Joe brought a voice of the common man to the White House, and while his newspaper articles were giving him a bunch of street cred, this gave him some political clout. But unlike a politician who felt they deserved things handed to them, Joe continued to work his way up the ranks in the Military getting all the way up to be an adviser to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Joe has always stayed true to his roots though, and has always kept writing articles for newer players. Joe's lent a helping hand everywhere he's been and still continues even though he's one of the eUS's strongest marines and best military advisors.

Citizen #3: PigInZen, Current Vice President, Former Chief of Staff, Senator and Director of Technology

Such a shiny head, he doesn't look like a pig though...

I'll admit I didn't catch this rising star until he was pretty well established, and I really wish I had jumped on the PiZ train earlier. He started off in the USWP, and was working as a lowly Tech Department guy. He was quickly noticed and snatched up to the national group working on gathering databases of player information, and was noticed by then President Harrison Richardson. He worked in the cabinet in the Chief of Staff position, which was perfect, because he was able to organize the departments for the president and he was also great at making sure the lines of communication were clear. He continued this work as Vice President, and has been making sure that not just internal eUS communication is working, but international communications between our military and our allies. He's worked to make sure that every department head is working hard, and doing the work that the president wants to see. Conversely he's also making sure that the president knows what the departments are doing and that they are doing these things to his liking. Pig is turning out to be very similar to Justin in his communication skills, but these skills are out shined by his organization skills. Clearly organization is the biggest key to being able to survive the presidency, and if you ask any eUS president it's more survival than thriving. With Pig's skills in the White House, you'll see a more thriving eUS, and some of the most streamlined government in the game.

In conclusion
What you see here, new players please take note, these eMericans have made their mark and gotten to be some of the most powerful members of the eUS not by bribing and buying their way into power, but by working hard from the bottom, and moving your way up through the ranks. Lying, deception, and all of that does not get rewarded in this game very often, and when it does, you tend not to last very long in this game, even if you do reach the top of the top.

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