[jw] Free gift from Plato! [update]

Day 2,073, 03:58 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Check the email account linked to your eRepublik account. In it there an email sent from Plato - giving you a free small bomb (1.5 million damage). Please note that you should be logged in on eRep before you click the link: in theory the link should log you in, but as usual with eRepublik, some bugs appear - It didn't actually register for me the first time, because I wasn't logged in (and then the link didn't work for a while - eventually it fixed itself).

It expires on Day 2103, so you get 30 days for it - use it to help your country, your military unit, or yourself when you're hunting for that next BH medal.

A note to Brits: don't waste it in the current Sabah battle. We'll be facing tougher battles down the line: I'm almost certain our Government will tell you as/when we have a vital battle: save it for that! Or, use it to help Romania against Chile. Both are much more noble than wasting it now!

Shout this article, or the fact that people should check their emails, tell as many people as possible, so that they get what they are entitled to! For ease of use:

Free 1.5 million rocket from Plato - full information here:

No need to thank me, but a vote and a sub would be most kind! 🙂

Edit: some people are saying no email - in case you didn't check yourself: this went straight to my junk email folder - you may have to login directly to the website, if you use an email client with junk filters like I do. There is also a cyclical nature; some people will obviously get it first, because it takes time to email hundreds of thousands of people!

Edit #2: Your rocket depends on your division,

Div 1 : 75,000 damage
Div 2 : 375,000 damage
Div 3 : 750,000 damage
Div 4 : 1,500,000

Thanks to pomsta3 for the info!