***Indonesian Takeover among Presidential Election Results***

Day 472, 08:27 Published in USA USA by Uncle Sam

Today I begin a second term in office as President of the USA. This is a wonderful time for our country and I would like to thank everyone who voted for me and gave me their support. I'd like to Thank my VP Joe DaSmoe for helping to run a wonderful campaign, and I would also like to thank Ian JonhLock IV and Publius for their party nominations. While this may be the start of another term of success in America, there elections spelled the end for some other countries.

Political Takeovers Once Again Rule Erepublik
To All citizens of the world... it's time that we come to grips with the cold hard truth that Political Takeovers will continue to be a problem that plagues our world. Recently in these past Presidential elections, we saw quite a few disturbing and unfortunate events take place. Indonesia, the king of the PR machine has done it again, and in more than one country. Let us have a moment for our fallen countries.

China has been politically taken over both in congress and in the presidency by Indonesians. With free reign in that region of Asia, PEACE is taking complete control. This recent takeover is just another blow to the USA and our allies.

Indonesia now has completely control of Malaysia, with a majority of congress and now the Presidency. With this edge, they will now be able to take their gold supply and when protection is lost, their land. Another takeover by Indonesia just gives them more room to expand, which does not help in any way towards bringing the USA into a more powerful position in the world.

India is the worst hit we've taken yet. After sending in many voters to take the seat of president in India, Indonesia has now completely taken over India. through using both presidents to attack and then retreat the Indian regions, Indonesia has taken India without a fight. Taking the cowards way out doesn't help Indonesia's reputation any bit, however it does change the fact that they're getting immensely powerful while America and ATLANTIS try to play to play by the rules for the sake of a good image.

As you can see in this War between Indonesia and India MPPs were activated however none of those countries even had a chance to defend the country being attacked due to this political takeover.

Dare We Let This Madness Continue?!
Indonesia has enough opportunity to expand over the past few months, they keep taking and taking! The USA along with ATLANTIS aren't willing to do what it takes to stop them, and why? We're too busy worrying about our image and about reputations. Indonesia doesn't care about what people think about them, and that is why they're able to do political takeovers. There are two ways to combat the tactics of Indonesia, and I propose that start taking action on both of them ASAP.

Unite the World Against Indonesia
For too long has Indonesia gotten away with such treacherous actions, and it seems as if they world has just stood by and watched. Do we all want Indonesia to become the world power, to have free reign wherever it wants for the next 6 months? If we allow them to continue on this path, they will. I'm asking all nations to recognize the foul play of Indonesia and fight against it by any means necessary. We must not yield to a country that uses such tactics as to politically take over other countries and strip them of their power.

I ask that all other nations join us in our efforts against Indonesia, and if we must, fight fire with fire.

Start Building Stronger Voting Corps
If we want to stop Indonesia, we need to start acting on the political takeover side of this issue. America has tried to intervene in the political takeover attempts made my Indonesia, however we have to get more support for this issue. Right now Indonesian citizens and voters all support the political take overs that they have attempted, and that is why they are successful. In order to stop them, we too must put more energy into our voting power. As the largest country, we have the people to pull it off, all that's required now is participation.

I ask that as many able bodies citizens, able to move freely around the world for voting purposes, sign up for a new voting corps unit. We aim to have at least 300 members members strong, so if you wish to see an end to Indonesian aggressive actions, join now!

(google spreadsheet will be available later today for sign up)

Let Indo's Advance Stop Here!
We have to start somewhere. I ask the world and all USA citizens to take the first step and get involved. Through our leadership, massive numbers and united effort, we will be able to halt further Indonesian expansion. They have taken so much already, and now it is time for someone to draw the line. Let that line begin here, and let the world unite against the foul play of Indonesia!

American Action
America will be sending military aid to Romania in the current fight against Indonesia. We also encourage anyone who is able to move to travel to Romania and fight in the battle for West Siberian Region.

-Uncle Sam-
USA President