[Hungary] Open letter to the People of Croatia

Day 481, 06:44 Published in Croatia Hungary by Feherlofia Koppany

Dear People of Croatia!

Let me introduce myself, I'm Feherlo the Minister of Interior in Hungary.

About a week ago, Hungary realized, that you are preparing for a possible Hungarian attack to Croatia. You transported your population to our border areas, you have bought there a Q5 Hospital and Defense System and you proposed many Alliances to your allies.

Some days ago I contacted your president split1700 and I assured him, that Hungary doesn't have any plan towards conquering any region of Croatia, since our main goal is to free our original regions under the Romanian occupation.

He just didn't even answered to my letter.

I'm very sad about this. We tought that contrary the fact that our countries are in a different Alliance, our relation is not bothered by any paranoid idea or misunderstanding. Hungary was the first who have welcomed Croatia in the New World and our National Bank established a grain company on your high grain area to supply our economy.

Here, I would like to ask you to charge your Government to start the discussion with Hungary, to avoid any problems between our countries in the future.

Kind regards,
