[HN] Nicholas2000 for President! *UPDATED*

Day 741, 15:16 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad

Carr de Vaux has declined my offer to have him run with me.

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I would like to announce my intention to run for the office of President of the eMalaysian nation.

My Platform:
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I will admit, beyond the running of a company, my knowledge of the eRepublik economic module, and what is best for the nation is fairly limited.

Thusly, I would be relying on Nagzee for most economic advice.

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This will be one of the main points of my platform. After being in the eMalaysian Congress three times, I have a fair deal of knowledge when it comes to our Congress, and unfortunately, Congress really does not do horribly much within the government.

This system works when we have a strong President, such as Nagyzee, the President during my first term as a Congressman. However, I have noticed with Setsunax, and Badlands17, that they have not done as much as they should, and Congress has not really stood up either. We have stagnated in the area of progress, begun under Nagyzee.

I believe that Congress should be given more voice within the Government. As such, if elected, I will give Congress more responsibilities. One example of this is to submit my cabinet list to Congress for approval.

I believe that should Congress have more power, then activity within Congress will greatly increase. New ideas will spring up, and the wheel of progress will move once more. This will also safeguard against Presidents who are not as active as they should be.

For example of already attempting this, I have submitted to Congress the removal of certain Cabinet members, and replacing them.

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First of all, I believe that we should hold talks with eIndonesia. Now, do not mistake this for eMalaysia giving into eIndonesia. I will accept no peace treaty, or treaty of any kind should eMalaysia have to do anything for eIndonesia.

I also believe that we should revamp our Ambassador system. It has grown fairly inactive as of late. A proiority for Ambassadors should be first of all, Sol nations. Then, EDEN nations. Thrid priority is the alliance that will rise from the ashes of PEACE.

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I believe in the continuation of the Sol wargames. It benifits our soldiers, and other soldiers, around the world.

I feel that we should provide more structure for our army. This includes a budget for each company. I also believe in the dissolving of the Mudkip Revolutionary Faction of our army. No party deserves a special portion of our army.

We need to try to increase the size of our army as well. I believe we can do this, through placing a link to a form in the TDM newspaper, for people to join the army. We used to have this, and we should bring it back.

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I believe we should establish a holiday for eMalaysians to celebrate. I have seen eJapan celebrating Empress Day. It is a fun time for all of their citizens.

I can think of no better celebration than the 29th of every month, with an extremely large celebration on November 29th. Why the 29th of every month you ask? On November 29th, 2009, we reconquered Sabah. This represents the unification of the eMalaysian nation, following the eIndonesian invasion. Repelling eIndonesia was a source of great pride for all people of eMalaysia, and I believe we should continue to celebrate this.

The exact actions of this holiday are as of yet undetermined, and I hope, if elected, to work with Congress on this.

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I believe the only thing that needs to be changed is our citizen message. It still says that eMalaysia and eThailand are a union. This is an embarrisment to the Government, and will confuse new players.

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I believe that the eMalaysian Government needs to inform its people of every single move it makes. from donations to the Central Bank, to replacing of Cabinet members. This is vital to establishing a country that works like a well-oiled machine.

Of course, as in every Government, there are somethings that might need to be kept a secet. I still believe in informing the public of these events, but only after it has been deemed safe to do so.

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Other than Nagyzee being Minister of Finance(which I would have to be out of my mind not to do), I will be creating forms for people o fill out, if they wish to be a member of my cabinet. There will be a different form for: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, Minister of Immigration, Minister of Information, Minister of Wellness, Deputy Ministers, and Ambassadors.

Once elected, I will place an article in the media, explaining each of these offices, and give a link to the form to be filled out.

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I hope that you have taken the time to read through my platform. If you have any suggestions, please, let me know.
As of yet, I have recieved no party endorsements. I would be deeply honored to recieve the endorsement of any party that agrees with my ideas and plans for eMalaysia.

Nicholas2000-December 2009!

Thank you for your time,