++ Harrison for America: Comprehensive Platform ++

Day 590, 10:08 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Link to comprehensive platform: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgc6tq9n_0dxqcmtgj

My platform is rather long, but I'm going to quickly summarize it here for those who don't want to read it. The long version can be read at the google docs location.

Foreign Policy

I. Continue to assess possible alliance and alliances we've entered. Make changes if needed or remove the country from the alliance if it is that bad.
II. Continue and strengthen diplomatic relationships with Eastern European nations. They represent long-time allies and should remain as such
III. Work hard to revive free trade via diplomatic negotiations
IV. Increase the level of the State Department to allow for more staff and intel gathering.

Military Policy

I. Leave the commanding to the commanders. They are appointed for a reason.
II. Frequent war and frequent war games. One should not overlook real war. Aim for as much deployment as possible and be extremely active on the world scene.
III. Defend allies vigorously and work hard to liberate nations who are willing to work with us. See: Israel and Greece.

Economic Policy

Dubbed the "Eight Points", they are:

I. Lower trade barriers
II. Negotiate lower trade barriers
III. Continue to spend the vast majority of revenue on military actions.
IV. Continue with 1 USD = 0.02 g
V. Encourage increased production of Q1 weapons and moving tickets.
VI. Continue to publish profitability data in the RMU thread.
VII. Continue war games to keep wellness high and make strength higher.
VIII. Simulate the economy through increased military activity.

Domestic Policy

I. Encourage new player involvement via Dept of Education and Dept of Fun to make the United States a more intriguing place for new and old players alike.
II. Continue the movement to increase government transparency, especially with the new Federal Budget Coordinator program.
III. Enact a new position of "Congressional Liaison" to work with Congress to make sure the two branches are on the same wavelength.
IV. Not continuing the status quo. Making sure to treat everyone, all parties, with the respect they deserve. While I am a current cabinet member, I will not be Scrabman's 4th term. If anyone has concerns, they are welcome to PM me.

And that is the skeleton of my platform. As I've mentioned, feel free to view the entire platform at the link above. I will be willing to answer questions via PM or comments here on the subject. No tradition pictures on this, as it's a campaign article.