♥ First eIrish National CARNIVAL! ♥

Day 906, 07:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dearest eIrish Community:

Today is a VERY SPECIAL day for the MoC and all of eIreland! It’s the

I’m really excited about it, and this article is HUGE, so here’s the layout:

1. Lottery Stuff
2. Answers and Winners to Picture Mixer
3. CARNIVAL Intro: What’s it all about?
4. Carnival Game #1: “Riddle Me” (on the IRC)
5. Carnival Game #2: “Crossword Crazy” (a New Citizen Exclusive)
6. Carnival Game #3: “Peek-A-Boo Pictures”
7. Carnival Game #4: “Who’s on the Ferris Wheel?”
8. Carnival Game #5: “Ring Toss Riot”

Peep! I’m so excited!
Let’s get started!

1. Lottery Stuff

Thanks to everyone who participated in this round of the eIrish National Lottery! The lucky number for this round (generated by Random.com) was 27!

That makes this round’s winner Marcus Suridius! Marcus has won a nice jackpot of 79 IEP! Make sure you send Marcus a congratulatory PM!

The next round of the eIrish National Lottery has now begun! Be sure to send your numbers and ticket money (they’re 5 IEP each) to The Irish Community Org. This round of the lottery ends on Day 911. Get your tickets and numbers in SOON!

2. Answers and Winners to Picture Mixer

A very special thanks to ALL the citizens who participated in the Picture Mixer Contest and extra thanks for all of the nice compliments from you all!

Let’s see who the mixed-up citizens were:

Picture One

Picture Two

Picture Three
Irishbhoy (At least until he changed it 😉
OR Bumcheese Somers

Picture Four

Picture Five
Anaille Kolshire

Picture Six
Wandering Rian

Picture Seven
Nogin the Nog

Picture Eight

Now, let’s see who our smarty pants winners were!

1st Place: Cpl Useless
2nd Place: Anaille Kolshire
3rd Place: Dan Murchadh
4th Place: John Gormley
5th Place: Michael Hook
6th Place: Sean Power
7th Place: Mr Ginge
8th Place: Dylanb9216
9th Place: Orangejuicemmm
10th Place: Nephworks
11th-17th Place Respectively:
Marcus Suridius
Sargant Stefanos


And NOW…Drumroll please…


3. The Carnival Intro: What’s it all about?

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of carnivals, they are basically like big parties with lots of games!

In the eIrish National Carnival, you can play as many games as you are eligible for (there is only one exclusive game for new citizens) and you can be a winner in any or all of the games! Don’t be shy! Play your eHearts out!

The first carnival will consist of FIVE different games: (1) Riddle Me, (2) Crossword Crazy (for new citizens ONLY!), (3) Peek-A-Boo Pictures (my personal fave), (4) Who’s on the Ferris Wheel?, and (5) Ring Toss Riot!

I’ll discuss the games and their prizes as we go along and all you have to do is enjoy!

4. RIDDLE ME: An IRC Challenge!

The first carnival game is one I like to call “Riddle Me!”
Here’s how you play:
I will give you three riddles (or questions, really) concerning eRepublik, eIreland, or its wonderful citizens. Your job is to provide me with the correct answers to one, two, or all three of those riddles.

Cool! But what makes the “Riddle Me?” contest an IRC Challenge, Your Highness?

Hypothetical Citizen! I’m so glad you could join us!
The “Riddle Me” game becomes an IRC Challenge because you have to answer the questions ON THE IRC.

I will be making myself available on the IRC for most of the day starting tomorrow morning so you can provide me with your answers.
But don’t worry! I will also be choosing a very nice volunteer to take down the Riddle Me answers while I’m not there, just so everyone has a chance to answer!

**This contest isn’t just a chance to win cool prizes, it’s also a chance to have fun with your fellow eIrish ladies and gents by hopping on the IRC.**

Everyone’s favorite Orange has made a wonderfully helpful guide to the IRC if anyone should need some help getting started.

You don’t have to answer ALL of the questions, but the more you know, the better your prize.

Ready for the Riddles? They rhyme! ♥ Here we go:

Riddle One

His name has two numbers which sum to eleven
Hard Worker medals, he has one more than seven.
His avatar features him sipping tea.
Who is this recent president of the IFP?

Riddle Two

The battle in this region was certainly historical
Six million damage is simply not ignorable.
You’ll know of this place if you’re a big fighter,
What was its name, discussed in the eRepublik Insider?

Riddle Three
This party is home to a CP candidate favorite.
He ran once or twice, but was never voted into it.
Despite the defeat, the party’s not out of the game.
What is this small “center-right, libertarian” party, do you know its name?

Remember, you can only answer on the IRC to myself or my soon-to-be-named Carnival assistant ♥
Please use the “PM” feature on the IRC to send your answers in secretly! We don’t want to spoil the fun for others still pondering the answers ♥

I’m one excited Hypothetical Citizen! What can I win?!

Good question! Let’s talk about the PRIZES!

For answering 1 out of 3 riddles: 1 Q3 Bread
For answering 2 out of 3 riddles: 1 Q2 Weapon
For answering all 3 riddles: 1 Q3 Weapon + 5 IEP

5. Crossword Crazy! A New Citizens Exclusive

This contest is for NEW CITIZENS ONLY!
Citizens level 16 and under have their exclusive chance to enter an extra special contest involving your standard Crossword Puzzle.

The clues in this puzzle deal with eRepublik in general, but mostly eIreland and all of its wonderfulness.

All you’ll need to do is solve the puzzle (answer the clues) and PM the Irish Community Org with your answers.
I know it’s a pain to label them all in your PM, so as long as the answers are there, I’ll be fine. No worries.

The answers are all accessible through eRepublik, and should be pretty easy to find! If you have any questions about the clues (wording, ambiguity, etc) please give me a shout ♥

Here’s the puzzle:

You can click here if it’s not big enough for you.

And here are your clues:

EEP! Click here for bigger text.

And, of course, you need to know what you can win!

1st - 4th Place: A beautiful Q1 abode to do with as you wish
5th-10th Place: 4 Q1 gifts (to be gifted or donated as you choose) and 2 Q2 weapons
11th+ Place: 5 IEP and Princess ♥s!

A special thanks to Mr. John Gormley for his dwelling donation!

The carnival is SO flitterific!

6. Peek-A-Boo Pictures!

This happens to be my personal favorite. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do ♥
All you have to do is locate the list of hidden items in the pictures given. Look at the list of items, find them in the pictures, and PM the Org with your answers.

I’ll give an example:

Look down below! It’s everyone’s favorite eRepublik Fix-it Chicken…except he has some extra things around him!

Larger view

Take a look around the picture and see if you can find the Dandelion.

Found it? Me too!

Larger view

It’s right there where his head should be!

When PMing your answers as to the whereabouts of the hidden objects, be sure to be as specific as possible.
OR, if you’re tech-savvy enough, you can copy/paste the image and circle the hidden objects in a paint application yourself and then send me the photo ♥
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance with your technical entries.
But regular PMs work just fine too!

Ready? Go!

Peek-A-Boo Picture One: Plato


Safety Pin

Peek-A-Boo Picture Two: Carnival


Blue Frog
Four-Leaf Clover
Hot Air Balloon

Peek-A-Boo Picture Three: Baby in Pot (a.k.a. Patton’s Dinner)


Sliced Bread

This game is so great I don’t even have a word to describe…

It’s flitterific, Hypothetical! That’s the perfect word!
And I didn’t even get to your prizes yet!

1st Place: 3 Gold
2nd Place: 2 Gold
3rd Place: 1 Gold
4th Place: 0.5 Gold
5th Place: 0.5 Gold
6th-10th Place: 10 IEP
11th+Place: 5 IEP

Hope you’re not tired yet! There’s still more to see at the CARNIVAL!

7. Who’s on the Ferris Wheel?

A carnival isn’t a carnival without a Ferris Wheel!
But this wheel is funny: you can’t have a ride until you guess who’s already enjoying it!

Your job is to decipher the clues and tell me who is in what box on the eFerris Wheel!


The Clues
The people on the ferris wheel are eIrish citizens.
Your job is to find which seat they are sitting in.
You ought to know one person in the pink seat on the left.
The other one may not be the person you first suspect.

The guy right below Her Highness and another
Belongs to a group of Irish pirate brothers
Of all the pirates I could find,
This guy has the most HW medals: Nine.

On the other side of the wheel, you’ll find a very nice fellow
He’s a level 18 Colonel in the box colored yellow.
A proud eIrishman. From the Northeast he hails,
Probably most famous for his random newspaper snail.

Above this fine man, not one car but two.
Is a very skilled player, sitting in the blue.
His name has numbers and he’s tried for CP
His rank is Number 1, a lot higher than me!

Look up on the top! He’s almost in the sky!
He’s in charge of the tanks. He’s a really nice guy.
He recently designed medals for the Ministry of Health
All of his HW medals must have brought him a lot of wealth!

Let’s get back to the Princess in the car that’s pink.
Who’s in there with her? Who do you think?
We’ve already said that it’s not her beau patton.
It must be another girl who has joined her, then.

Let’s take a peek into the orange wheel seat.
In there is the guy who chairs the eIrish Celtic League.
If you talk with him, he’ll fill you with elation.
He’s a great man, and a former Minister of Information ♥

The guy in the orange is in the same party as the yellow car man with a snail.
What a small eWorld from which we all eHail!
The Princess’s friend in the pink is from this party too.
The eFrench may call her Beignet if they know her like most eIrish do.

Don’t forget the mister in the green car! Don’t leave him out!
He said he wanted some war in his very recent shout.
He’s a very skilled soldier. My skills are definitely worse.
His name is funny if read in reverse.

Guess all eight people so you can get on the ride!
And if you guess all 8, you will win a prize!

1st Place: 3 Gold
2nd Place: 2 Gold
3rd Place: 1 Gold
4th Place: 0.5 Gold
5th Place: 0.5 Gold
6th-10th Place: 10 IEP
11th+Place: 5 IEP

Please submit your answers in the following format:
Green: Mr. Citizen
Pink: Ms. Citizen and Miss Citizen

One more game! And it’s a good one!!
Who likes RING TOSS?!

8. Ring Toss Riot

Me! Me! I love Ring Toss, Princess!

That’s great, Hypothetical! Let me just get you the rings here so you can throw them and win a prize.
Here you go, Hypothetical. Five rings!

Oh boy! Here I go! One…Two…Three…Four...Five...oops!

HYPOTHETICAL! You’ve missed the entire ring toss game and thrown the rings OUT OF THE CARNIVAL! How am I ever supposed to find them now?

Sorry, Princess! Please don’t be angry!

It’s ok, Hypothetical. I can’t stay mad at you ♥. Let’s make it a game!

Can you help me find the FIVE rings for the ring toss game that Mr. Hypothetical has lost somewhere?

Oh! And one more thing! The rings are magic! They are very affectionate. They love to stick to people! Your best bet would be looking for them on your fellow eIrish’s avatars!

That’s all I have for the first eIrish Carnival! I hope you all enjoy the games and I hope EVERYONE participates!

Don’t forget! You have SOOO many flitterific contests to enter! Don’t forget about any of them!
All of the contests end on Day 911! Be sure to get your answers in before then!

Have Fun!
Irish Princess ♥

For you, Dash 😉

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