::explaining 2::

Day 375, 06:21 Published in Thailand Austria by Antonio Salgado
"2- Propose a program that every end of month will benefit the eThai company of the month."

One day, talking with s33vald he asked me what i thik of this "weird inflation" we have in eThai, and if i have a plan. Well, i´ve created my own goverment plan based on my own experiences, but i also asked some of my party members about their opinions, some of them suggested to created a prices table with fines for those who disrespect, but i think that this isnt the solution, and also very hard to aplly.

So i thought, besides punishing why not giving prizes to them?

So this is part of my plan, it is not 100% ready, i need some opinions( count on you), it is basically this:

In the first day of the program we will ask al businessman to reply some question: wages of all workers and what price you think is the best for your product. Then me and my staff, we will work in a prices table with minimum and maximum price, but no companies are going to be obligated to follow it, but everyday me and my staff we will be checking market prices for all products, in the end of the month the company with:

better wages for the workers and the prices near or in the table will in a prize, that will be discussed. This is just a project that i want to become real, but need to become more developed i think. And i am not going to judge wich is the best company, but the employee sec, the vice-president and Inteligency Agency Secretary.

I also plan to use this price table for goverment loan to companies, in the contract of the loan( that should not pass 5 gold) the company will also have to promisse to follow the prices table for at least one week.

That is all, sorry for my bad english and sorry if the text is little bit confused.