
Day 374, 06:23 Published in Thailand Austria by Antonio Salgado

Well yesterday when i´ve made my presidency candidature presentation i´ve added some new ideas and chairs, so i will try to explain some of Them in separate articles.

First one: Inteligency Agency Secretary

What is this?

well basically is the Central Inteligency of eThai.

What are they going to do?

calm down, they are not going to spy, but they will search for information.

Why did you choose rafevares?

many people here didnt hear of him, i dont know if he is going to accept the chair, but he is a very active guy( only a little bit quite) and is always giving me information

What kind of information?

well when i want to make an investment outside he can tell me exactly what he think of that country: if is going to enter war, if have chances to loose it territory and some other crazy statics created by him to compare the quality of life in all countries and if it is a worth investmen.


So the Inteligency Agency Secretary will basically make reports for the president, the defense secretary and foreign affairs secretary. But he will also be useful for the employee secretary and other ones.

Like i´ve said in my other article: INFORMATION is a very powerful weapon. This information can tell eThai where to make investments, this information can also say if we need to make allies and wich ones.

Hope you´ve understood.