[EAF] Orders for Day 1,208 -EDIT2-

Day 1,207, 04:06 Published in Egypt Egypt by VO99

These are direct orders for the Egyptian Armed Forces.
All citizens are encouraged to fight by these orders!

Day 1208:

Defend Al Qasim!

Join Egypt!

Defend Al Madinah!


Important notice:
Fight smart! Watch the wall. If it's 60% in our favor don't waste your damage, switch Battlefield and hit if needed! Otherwise save your damage for next round!

Battle Instructions:
Hold Fire till Prime Time (9-12pm) and try getting on IRC,channel #eEgypt.army between 9-12PM(local time,12h erep time)

How to fight
Fight Smart!
Inflict your damage during a round that is about to end and only fight there if it is at 45% or higher in our favour. During the final 10 minutes of a round stay alert and watch out for a last minute push by the enemy.

Egypt needs you! Join Egyptian Armed Forces
join here

some good articles:
how to fight smart: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/fighting-smart-fighting-hard-en-ar--1703084/1/20