[DoD Orders] (Day 1975) Western Cape and Northeast of Mexico

Day 1,973, 08:26 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense


My Fellow Americans,

Please vote for these articles daily, a simple act which makes these orders easier for new players to find and follow.

if the eUS is winning a battle by 55-60%, please save your damage for another mini or another battle where needed. Do not waste damage over hitting the wall!

MU Captains and Commanders please set your orders to Tasmania.

If you are (mobile, in the USA or an allied nation) fight for Brazil in Western Cape!

If you are (mobile, in the USA or an allied nation) fight for MEXICO in Northeast of Mexic!


President of the United States of America

Secretary of Defense

Dr Luis Sentieiro
Deputy Secretary of Defense

Chairman of the National Security Council

Protip: all images below are also links

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eUnited States Armed Forces
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