[CP] Join your country on #IrishArmy tonight in 12:00 erep time!

Day 2,272, 10:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

Hello eIreland, it’s time for just a short update to keep you in touch and remind of several things.

In last couple of days we’ve been on several meetings with our friendly countries, but also with those who’ve switched sides, we’re doing everything possible to keep our relations with our old friends who done that respectable as they were before this new Alliances. We’re going to extend our NAP with USA at the end of the month and keep the rental deal, we’ll also try to do the same with United Kingdom, there shouldn’t be much issues with those deals. We made them know we’re going to stick with our allies such as Canada and Portugal. I can’t think of any eIrish who’d like to go against them.

Please make sure you follow every Mininstry article published, it’s highly important to keep you updated with all the news and actions. We want you to involve, we want you to be eIrish representator whatever you do. Make sure you vote up those articles aswell, it’s important to keep them in Top 5.

Our Ministry of Defence started this term with the Orders article and invitation on National strike, you can read it here: National Strike and Convention in 12:00 erep time on #IrishArmy

Our Ministry of Finances published the report for January, hopefully we’ll increase profits this months and make sure we can fund some fun. You can read AppleMan’s article here: January Finance Report

Ministry of Community started the first Poll on Alliances and friends. It’s highly important we lean in way Irish citizens wants, without the support to Governmental decisions we won’t progress, that’s why Government will make the decisions our people want. Unity is the key. You can take the poll here: Vote in the Poll

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs also started the campaign to know our Allies, of course we’ve started with the closest one - eCanada. You can read the article here: Know your allies - eCanada

You can also expect the article by Ministry of Educations. They will explain our new citizens and those who never used IRC how to do it. They will also try to encourage you to use the Forum, Congress has already moved there and that’s where the dicussions will be held. We’ve already started with the electing Speaker of the Congress, that’s the guy who should inform everyone who don’t want to use Forum about what’s happening there and make sure their voice is heared too.

National Convention:

I’m inviting you to discuss eIrish future, our possibilites and other highly important things in Sunday - 12:00 erep time ( 8pm Irish time ) on our Military channel - #IrishArmy ; just after the National Strike. Let’s start the Green rapsody all over the place! Together we can make this country stronger and more organised than it is now. Let’s do it. I’m asking PP’s and MU Commanders to share the informations with their members. There’s only ~300 active Irish citizens, we can and we must inform them all. Ministry of Communications is still working on creating the list of all active eIrishmens. Please accept the friend request from adelsberger once you recieve it.

Irish Forums: http://eireland.url.ph/
Irish IRC: #Eire (How to use IRC)
Irish FA on IRC: #Eire.FA

Stay strong, stay loyal, stay proud!

Don Croata, Irish President