[CN/EN] Meet the new Romanian Ambassador

Day 845, 05:38 Published in China China by mihail.cazacu
EN: The English language version is below the Chinese one. I am grateful to Aliao for the translation


我是新任罗马尼亚驻华大使。前大使Pyroelectricity在中国的工作成效显 著,我将接替他履行职责。

你们也许已经知道我也是EDEN一名高级官员(情报及特别行动局局长)。这就是为什么 我有匈牙利国籍的原因——作为我们在对抗我们共同的敌人匈牙利时所作秘密行动的一部分 。


1) 巩固最近的新人潮的成果及

2) 将她的国土从从匈牙利及塞尔维亚的占领中解放出来。

在我在此担任大使期间我将会帮助你们实现这两个目标。无论在现实生活和游戏中,中国都 是罗马尼亚的老朋友及盟友。因此,自然而然地,我们将并肩作战并取得共同的胜利。

作为我大使工作的一部分,我将努力促进两国之间的交流。分享知识和好的想法是在eRe publik最好的制胜法宝。

谋略永远胜过蛮力。这就是我们如何在人数、金钱和资源都处于劣势的时候解放北美的,这 也是我们将用于解放中国的方式。

为了取胜,我们需要理解拥有很多玩家和拥有强大的军队这两者之间的区别。在北美,PE ACE/Phoenix有很多的玩家,远超过EDEN,但是EDEN拥有一支强大的军 队。因此即便匈牙利、印尼在当时是eRepublik中最强大的国家,EDEN仍然取 得了胜利并成功地从匈牙利人、印尼人、俄国人手中将美国和加拿大彻底解放了出来。


1. 首要的区别是军队是组织起来的。

每个玩家必须在一场战斗中使用5次武器以造成尽可能高的伤害。而工资水平太低,以至于 一个普通玩家不可能每天都买5件武器。这导致了普通玩家不可能以5件武器作战。

每次一个玩家空手作战的话将只能打出他所能造成的伤害的50%。这就意味一个使用5件 武器的玩家等价于两个空手作战的玩家。


军队开设军工企业。这些企业要么是武器厂,要么是铁矿厂。士兵都在此工作并领取最低薪 资。这一点至关重要:工作的工资仅能维持每日面包的开销。这样将拿得军工企业在游戏中 获取尽可能高的利润成为可能,而军工企业的利润将用于为在其中工作的士兵购买武器。

用这种方式,武器分发的数量取决取于士兵的技能。技能越高,产量越高,因此可以有更高 的利润以及购买更多的武器。

如果士兵都很“年轻”,他们的技能还很低的时候又怎么办呢?如果他们的技能不高,他们 将只能生产2-3件武器而不是5件的话,那其它的武器从哪里来?

最重要的一个武器来源是新人达到6级时候他们所获得的5G。另一个来源是他们连续工作 30天后所得的5G。目前1Gold=50 CNY,而1件q1武器市价为2.19 CNY。所以1Gold等价于22件武器。

但是将玩家组织到军队里最大的好处是:一个年轻的玩家每天需要5件武器用以升级军衔( 从列兵升到下士、中士、上尉等等直至元帅)。更高的军衔意味着一个战士可以造成更高的 伤害。这也就为什么年轻的士兵一天可以有5件武器作战的原因——用于提升他们的军衔。

但是一旦一个战士达到元帅级别的时候,他就不能再升级了。这就意味着他只需要在实际的 战役中使用武器。并且他可以在军演中空手作战(比如在中国和菲律宾之间的战役)。

因此在军企中元帅将他们的武器配额让给其他的士兵。此种方式使得他们的同志得以提升军 衔。这种“慷慨”有着很大的意义:帮助你的同志在军衔上成长,使得你的军事单位更强大 ,并增加了在对抗你的敌人时获胜的机会。 “黄金”及“钱”在eRepublik中不能为你买到漂亮衣服、豪华轿车或者任何有价 值的东西。那些都不是真正的金钱,是游戏中的钱而已。通过出类拔萃的组织、团队合作和 团结来击败你的敌人才是这个游戏中最宝贵的东西。

2. 第二,强大的军队和众多人口之间的区别是纪律。

我们已经看到了卓越的组织和团结是如何使我们能够抵御两倍于我们的敌人。现在我们将看 到将玩家组织到军队中而不是玩家各自为政的好处。

eRepublik 是一个全球性的战略游戏。这意味着,有时为了使得中国取胜,必须要赢得在中国之外的其 他一些战役。有时,中国之外的几个重要战役发生在同一时间。没有任何国家能通过给每一 个玩家独立的命令而成功地协调几场在其本土之外的战役。如果玩家被组织到军事单位之中 ,那么每个单位被分配到一个特定的战斗。

协调使得突击行动成为可能。例如凤凰预计中国将在与菲律宾的军演中作战,但中国军队出 现在北巴西最后15分钟的战斗中,从而使得凤凰失去了高铁地区。因此,当凤凰将注意力 集中于解放北巴西的时候,中国和她的EDEN盟友可以攻击和解放辽宁。这种战略机动于 不守纪律的人群中是不可施行的,而对于被组织到在军事单位中的玩家们来说则很容易完成 。尽管在人口、金钱和高铁地区都处于劣势,这样的突击行动仍然让EDEN解放了整个北 美洲。

因此我们已经看到为什么把玩家组织到军事编制中是克敌制胜的关键。最后我想在这篇文章 中指出的是一个国家可以通过出色的纪律和组织来取胜,即使她没有高铁。克罗地亚和罗马 尼亚有着和中国相当的人口,但是没有高铁地区。因此,这两个国家是如何设法取得强大的 军队的呢?

这说起来很简单,但是之所以可行是因为组织和纪律:我们在盟国开设铁厂(西班牙,希腊 ,乌克兰)。我们的士兵驻扎在那里,为军队在国内的武器厂生产所需要的铁。一个松散的 国家是不可能在国土之外开设铁厂以保障她的铁矿供应的。一个有组织的国家则能得到她所 需要的任何资源。在现实生活中中国有着一个以卓越的协调和纪律来取得伟大的成就的的悠 久的历史,而eRepublik并不比现实生活更复杂。因此,我敢肯定,匈牙利,塞尔 维亚和俄罗斯将很快意识到入侵中国乃不智之举,即使只是在一个电脑游戏中。我将尽我所 能,使这一切在尽可能短的时间内实现。



Dear Chinese players,

I am the new Romanian ambassador to China. I will continue the work of Pyroelectricity, who did an excellent job for the last 6 months.

You maybe know that I am also a member of the EDEN HQ (Director of Intelligence and Special Operations). This is why I have the Hungarian citizenship - it is part of the undercover operations we do against our common enemy Hungary.

In my opinion China today has two national priorities:

1) The consolidation of the recent baby-boom and

2) The liberation of her national territory from Hungarian and Serbian occupation.

During my term as and ambassador here I will help you achieve both goals. China is a traditional friend and ally of Romania both in Real Life and in game. So it is natural we work together and win together.

As part of my work as ambassador I will transfer the know-how from you to us and from us to you. Sharing knowledge and good ideas is the best way to win in eRepublik.

Brains are always stronger than muscles. This is how we have managed to liberate North America even though we were inferior in numbers, gold and resources. This is how we will liberate China.

In order to win we need to understand the difference between having lots of players and having a strong army. In North America PEACE/Phoenix had lots of players. More than EDEN. But EDEN had a stronger army. So EDEN won and liberated the USA and Canada completely from the Hungarian, Indonesian and Russian occupation even though at that time Hungary, and Indonesia were the strongest countries of eRepublik.

What is the difference between an army and a massive population?

1. The first and most important difference is an army is organized.

Each player must fight with at least 5 weapons in a battle in order to inflict the highest damage possible. The level of salaries is too low to allow a normal player to buy 5 weapons every day. This is why a normal player will not be able to fight with 5 weapons.

Each time a player fights without weapons he only provokes 50% of the damage he could do. This means a player with 5 weapons is as valuable as 2 players without weapons.

How does the army manage to provide 5 weapons for the soldiers, so each soldier is worth 2 civilians?

The army has army firms. Such firms are either weapon factories or iron mines. The soldiers work there for the minimum wage. This is very important: to work for a wage that only covers the cost of the daily bread. This way the army firm obtains the highest profitability possible in the game. The profits of an army firm are used to buy weapons for the soldiers working there.

The number of weapons which can be distributed this way depends on the skill of the soldiers. The higher the skill, the higher the productivity and therefore the higher the profit and the number of weapons which can be bought.

What if the soldiers are "young" and their skill is still low? If their skill is still low they will generate profit for 2 - 3 weapons instead of 5. What are the other sources of weapons?

One important source of additional weapons is the 5 gold the new players receive when they reach level 6. Another source is the 5 gold each player receives if he/she works 30 days in a row. Today 1 gold = 50 CNY and 1 q1 weapon costs 2.19 CNY. So one single gold coin is the equivalent of 22 weapons.

But the great thing about having the players organized in the army is this: a young player needs 5 weapons every day so he/she increases in rank (moving form private to corporal, sargeant, captain, etc up to field marshal). The higher the rank, the bigger the damage a soldier can inflict. This is another reason why it is important young soldiers fight with 5 weapons every day - to increase their rank.

But once the soldier gets at the field marshal level he cannot go higher. This means he will need to fight with weapons only in the real battles. And he can fight without weapons in the Training Wars (like the ones between China and the Philippines).

So in the army companies the field marshals give their quota of weapons to the other soldiers. This way their comrades can rise in rank. This "generosity" makes a lot of sense: helping your comrades grow in rank makes your military unit more powerful and increases the chances of winning the battles against your country's enemies. "Gold" and "money" in eRepublik can't buy you nice clothes, fancy cars or anything valuable. They are not real money, they are game-money. Defeating the enemies of your country through superior organization, team work and solidarity is the only valuable thing in this game.

2. The second important difference between a strong army and a large population is discipline.

We saw how superior organization and solidarity allows us to defend enemies twice as numerous. Now we will see another advantage of having the players organized in armies instead of just acting independently.

eRepublik is a global game of strategy. This means sometimes in order for China to win, some other battle outside China has to be won. On occasions, several important battles outside China happen in the same time. No country can successfully coordinate several battles outside her territory by sending individual orders to each player. If the players are organized in military units, then each unit is assigned to one specific battle.

Coordination makes possible surprise actions. For example Phoenix expects the Chinese to fight in a Training War with the Philippines but the Chinese Army shows in the last 15 minutes in a battle in North of Brazil and Phoenix loses a high iron region. So when Phoenix is concentrated on liberating North of Brazil, China and her EDEN allies can attack and liberate Liaoning. Such strategic maneuvering is not possible with an undisciplined population. But they are very easily accomplished with players organized in military units. Such surprise operations allowed EDEN to liberate the whole North America in spite of having a smaller population, less gold and less high iron regions than PEACE/Phoenix.

So we have seen by now why organizing the players into military units is the key to victory. The last thing I want to point out in this article is a country can win through superior discipline and organization even if she does not have high iron regions. Croatia and Romania have populations comparable in size with China but now high iron regions. So how do those two countries manage to have strong armies?

It's quite simple, but it is possible only because of organization and discipline: we opened iron mines in the allied countries (Spain, Greece, Ukraine). Our soldiers are stationed there and provide the iron needed for the army's weapon factories at home. A disorganized country can not ensure her iron supplies by opening iron mines outside her borders. An organized country can get any resources she needs. The Real Life Chinese have a long history of achieving spectacular successes by superior coordination and discipline. eRepublik is less complicated than Real Life. Therefore I'm sure the Hungarians, the Serbs and the Russians will learn very soon it's not a good idea to invade China even in a computer game. And I will do my best to make this time as short as possible.

Long live China!
Long live Romania!
Long live EDEN!
Together for victory!