[CDV] - I'm back, in e-Love..and national issues discussion

Day 701, 03:07 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Hi all,

Sorry for the little drama yesterday! 🙂 I was planning to stage this 'e-suicide' for a few days now, but alas, the love of my e-life was not around over the weekend for me to execute the plan. Thanks to those who voted the article up, and thanks to those who leaved concerning comments and PMs. 🙂 I am alive, and kicking...and certainly invigorated to contribute to this nation, who bought me the love of my e-life! 🙂 I have a purpose in life now.....and she is...my


I don't think i will reveal her identity yet, as this might attract unnecessary attention to her. Thanks again for all the encouragement and support - particularly the lovely ladies at the Q5 Hospital.

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Back to national issues - I intend to write and propose on few major issues that have been subjected to much debate in recent days. I will add the links once i have written them down in the next hour or so.

1) Negotiated Funding for TDM (FRoSEA Military)
Perhaps I have misunderstood the original proposal by the military with regards to funding, or perhaps till date - there have not been any concrete plans/proposal with regards to the funding for the Military. In a recent heated articled by Capt Ryan, our Deputy Minister of Defense, Gertude Groan has nicely coined this term - negotiated funding - which i absolutely buy into. I think the problem so far for us - is no one actually have a concrete idea what would be the optimum level of funding - and what is the negotiated funding? In writing this article, I have interviewed the necessary people - to have a better picture of what's available (in terms of funding) and what's required (in terms of military requirement). I invited all interested parties to leave their comments and ideas - and in the final article, i hope something substantial and properly calculated can be put forth to the congress. Some ideas:

1. Communal Q1 weapon company: Start up cost ~ 40G. Requires 7-10 willing workers (who will receive wages in terms of weapon).

2. Fixed weekly budget to the military, where the Commanders will decide on its appropriation. It will be token salary to the army, where level 5-10 will receive higher salaries (for more efficient level up) and so forth. Weekly cost ~ depends on Ryan, Vikta and others's proposal. Probably capped at 5-10G / week at the start

3. For the funding, i believe the Congress should demand transparency and information from the Military. The congress should have the right to know the strength available, who received the weapons and sort forth - perhaps in a transparent Google-spreadsheet.

2) National Politics
With the recent introduction of new political parties on the national scene - there have been whispers and talks of who and who are controlling what and what. Foreign threats? Political take-overs? Well, for our citizens, this is confusing, and perhaps un-necessary. I believe all the parties are here to colour our lives, and provide an alternative to our national leadership. That said, i do believe that it can be a real threat however, and if the nation do nothing about it - we are left to cry for ourselves when our kitty bank get stolen.

3) Education reforms
This is taking longer than i thought. Collecting materials, looking for volunteers and garnering supports takes time. If i am voted into the Congress again - i will request for a once-off funding of 5G towards hiring necessary people. But alas, the biggest hurdle so far seems to be lack of sub-forum to house all the materials. With this, i would appeal to Gustavius to provide the Education Ministry a sub-forum as soon as possible.

That's all from me this time. For newbies - remember -
1. ALWAYS HAVE 2-3 FOOD in your inventory.
3. ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS if you have any doubts.

Till then,

Carr de Vaux,
DAP Congress Candidate for Penisular Malaysia
Deputy Minister for Social Affairs and Education