[BFB] Party looking for M/F to support during President Elections Update 1

Day 1,623, 01:10 Published in Belgium Belgium by Jonathan Clay

Belgian for Belgians (BF😎 will not have a candidate of its own this month and we are looking for someone to support. Therefore I would like to ask some questions to all candidates. This will also help all eBelgians to make a good decision. If you're a candidate just PM me your answers and I'll add them in this article or if you have a question you would like to ask the candidates.


1. If you could accomplish one thing during your tenure what would it be?
2. Are you in favor of a neutral eBelgium or a certain alliance?
3. What kind of ATO-measures do you plan on taking?
4. What is your stance on the eBelgian army



1. You didn\'t say realistic goals or not, so I\'ll go with completing the space module and launching eBelgians to Alpha Centauri to start the next phase of the game. If you meant a realistic goal, would be a well managed TW.
2. As long as eBelgium picks a path, I\'ll support it. Our current plan of proclaiming neutrality while MPP\'ing loads of ONE countries isn\'t tenable; we push ourselves away from TEDEN and gain no benefits of the ONE alliance. If we want to be neutral, be neutral.
3. If the current g50 PTO\'ers leave (like they said they will), then strict ATO measures may not be necessary. If they remain, tight controls on immigration and probably another managed CM election cycle will be needed.
4. The BAF/BNA needs to abandon the \"commune\" model and just receive state funding (like mega citizen packs). PULSE monitoring or something similar of activity would be a requirement for being a member... The BCA is such a good alternative for casual folks that the BNA can be something more than working in a commune. I\'d also like to see the \"Belgian Paras\" open to more players and less of an elite club of non-citizens.

Don Matteo

b]1.[/b] I think that we could make more strict Immigration rules (for sure for some period of time). That would be a thing which I would like to accomplish Immigration politics.

2. I would like to leave eBelgium neutral as it was. As I wrote in my presentation, I see eBelgium as a friend of eWorld.

3. I think that the best thing is to activize society by some small competitions, debates, meetings. We need to have 140 active people during for example congressional elections. I don't want to see the same thing as we could see last time.

4. As I wrote in my presentation: Well-organized Belgian Army with fighting under orders and for money. All project was [http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6064-bna-budget]published[/url] on a forum and also in my newspaper, so I think it is not necessary to write about it 3rd time.

Jonathan Clay