Game Character Profile - Nintendo: Captain Falcon

Day 10, 00:00 Published in Sweden Sweden by Mikuchan

Captain Falcon was first seen in a manual for the F-Zero SNES game and have made it into an anime of his own.|||Captain Falcon is one of the most known lesser characters of Nintendo.

When Captain Falcon isn't racing, he works as a bounty hunter. He is considered one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. The back side of this is that he has alot of enemies and is forced to live in a sanctuary at a chain of islands outside the Port Town coastline, where he spends most of his time. He has private racetracks on each of his home islands, where he train regularly. The only thing that can get him away from home is an F-Zero Grand Prix or a fat bounty.

The Blue Falcon is considered one of the most well-balanced crafts in the F-Zero Grand Prix. Tuned by Captain Falcon to reach it's maximum performance. The original number of the Blue Falcon was "111" but was later changed to "07" for unknown reasons. A side note can be made that 111 is binary for 7.
Captain Falcon claims that he races to be able to afford to build a new craft, called the Neo Blue Falcon.
Working as a bounty hunter, he can't use his racer. Instead he uses the Falcon Flyer to soar through the galaxy in search for criminals.