Former Governor's Report

Day 2,428, 11:20 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Huey George
A final report as exiting Governor/Minister of Finance please consult with the current Ministry of Finance for the latest information

Country Assets - as of day 2,427 of the New World (prior to MPPs with Turkey and Ukraine

Country Accounts - 40,753.55cc (-422,665.80cc😉1,156.46 Gold (+652.00 Gold😉
Country Organisations - 62,253.52cc (-929,898.75cc😉1,303.19Gold (+250.00 Gold😉 including cc on Monetary Market.

Note the 296,437.00cc and 20 Gold is inaccessible with Appleby is not included

*from the [UKGOV - MoF] Update July-August '14 Term #1

Tax Revenue and Country Expenses

Itemized Expenses
Day 2420 - 20k to CP/MoD to set COs
Day 2422 - 30k for supplies for MoD Super Strikes
Day 2424 - 40k for MoD, MPP with Chile
Day 2425 - MPP with Indonesia

Training Ground Loans - First Promotion Period - June

A total of 171.5 Gold was loaned to citizens all with the same terms of repayment which was set at 2 months from Day 2,405.

The citizens who benefited with loans are;
Rob the Bruce
MacJ (repaid)
Commandante Ross (repaid)
Mr Pitbull
Akarin Weston (repaid)
Gego Gugula
KieranB (repaid)
Ashleemee (repaid)
unitedrule (repaid)
hotfuz (repaid)

Training Ground Loans - Second Promotion Period - June

A total of 77 Gold was loaned to citizens all with the same terms of repayment which was set at 2 months from Day 2,418.

Lolfaced (repaid)
hotfuz (has begun to repay)
Mar Xist
NT Games
MacJ (repaid)

Monetary Market Organisations which are missing 50,000.00cc

eUK Royal Mint
Department for Munitions
41 Commando
43 Commando
Special Forces Russia
HMS Fezoj
Squad B Royal Navy
HMS Defiant
HMS Hassan Pessaran
RAF Mobile Command
UK Army II
RN Charlie Platoon
Royal Guard QM
Royal Navy Advertee Unit
UK Army X
UK Army XI
Legion Org

Ticket to Support

For those with an interest the ticket I raised with support and their response.

An indication of strength of the Minister of Finance position in the new world

I'll await news of the Country President's ticket to support and I'm fully confident that it'll prove no wrong doing on behalf of any in the former MoF team. I can also categorically state that only 5 citizens (myself, Alan Warwickshire, ArgoFookYourself, Sir Rex Fleddington and BigAnt) had access to 'the books' the gdocs spreadsheet we used to manage the Country's Organisations. 'The books' used no external links and I don't believe the passwords were handed out to any other citizens. The Country President was fully aware of how I operated the MoF and raised no concern at any point.

Our Country's Organisations

Please refer to the current MoF for a list of our Organisations and their current use.


For any further information don't hesitate to contact any of your new MoF team.

Huey George - Exiting Governor of the Bank of England/Minister of Finance