eJapan - Behind the Scenes

Day 750, 17:00 Published in Japan Portugal by Arthk

Hello Japan,

I bet many of you already know me. You can easily see me lurking on eJapanese irc chat.

I also happen to be a diplomat in this new world. In my career I've dealt with a lot of delicate cases like Mesopotamia in a conflict between Argentina and Brazil, dealt with the Burgenland situation between Austria and Hungary, West Siberian Region between Indonesia and Russia and some other international delicate events.

With this I can say that I have experience in working in the backstage and in solving delicate conflicts.

What I always stood for was calm, cool headed and friendly diplomatic talks. You know, hear all the problems, understand both side's perspective. Conversation above all and nothing that would nurture hatred between the entities involved.

Understanding and perspective are a must in diplomacy, and the goals must be only focused on real problem solving, never trying to impose one's perspective on the other side.

Ok, enough talking about this (kinda important) silliness, on to the point, what really happened here?

This is the stuff I've been watching and exactly what I've seen in this case. The hidden details, the stuff the propaganda hides and all that jazz. Enjoy.

Act 1, Scene 1: USA declares war on Japan

It's somehow an emotional way to wake up for japan I bet. Dokomo already knew of these plans (he said it) and "bravely" rejected the retreat proposal. I like to believe he did that out of bravery and not out of fear that he might lose popularity. It was bravery then, awesome.

Anyway, the silly americans decided to roll over japan to get their "liberation" going. Of course it all suits the americans pretty well, they don't intend to MPP Bulgaria to avoid having to "liberate" it afterward (oh wait it's romania, so romania is "liberating" in this case).

Dokomo openly says he won't retreat. Some people doubt, many people believe. Personally I always thought he wouldn't retreat, and I was right, thank god.

An optional plan to save eJapan is proposed by Phoenix Alliance. That plan would be to get North Korea to take Kyushu for 1 day to let the Hungarian and Serbian MPP kick in, thus making sure the USA wouldn't attack. The q5 hospital and defense system would be fully paid by Phoenix and Kyushu immediately returned.

This was just a suggestion, but Dokomo firmly and proudly said "I'm no more than a servant of my people, I won't retreat Kyushu to anyone". Fine, his call. He had the bravery to say that and the plan was put aside by respect of his and eJapanese decision.

Dokomo really seemed to have big determination on this cause, he said eJapan was neutral and would not be used. No retreats for anyone. Good call mr Dokomo, that's the way forward !

Act 1, Scene 2: USA attacks Kyushu

The battle starts and many players focus on defense of Kyushu, both eJapanese and foreigners. I temporarily leave my party presidency here in Portugal and try to get a loan of about 200 GOLD so that I could tank to the max but I fail to do so, so I simply bought my own q5's for hospital fights.

Dokomo clearly says in irc that he won't give any state weapons or gold to non eJapanese military. It might seem a noble cause, but Kyushu was under heavy siege and the eJapanese tanks weren't that good. This might seem a minor issue but the fact that Dokomo was so willing to cripple the eJapanese defense in these times of need scared me a bit. People fought anyway so I guess there was no problem.

But still it seemed quite clear that Dokomo's intentions were to let USA pass. I've seen IRC logs where he claims that he would like to see USA winning. I hope they were fake, honestly. Apart from that I've seen Dokomo throwing out weird arguments about USA "liberating" Asia, and questioning the military help Japan was receiving.

Well, no matter we were fighting we were confident, that's what matters.

Act 2, Scene 1: Japan secures Kyushu

All eJapanese cheer. Everybody's happy. We all congratulate the fighters and we all celebrate. Kyushu defense remains unbroken.

Few minutes after victory Dokomo has some weird conversation with the Russian Chebbba, something about china. I go and talk to him, as a diplomat to find out what's wrong.

Dokomo claims that he'll retreat Kyushu in case eChina is threatened, attacked or harmed. I was honestly surprised. Attacked by whom? Did anyone have plans to attack eChina? Why was he saying that? And why did he use that tone when first approaching? God damnit, not even Uncle Sam was this rude and undiplomatic.

Then he said that according to his "sources" Phoenix would attack eChina in less than half an hour. I said that I was pretty much sure those sources were wrong, but still I investigated.

I talked to the core of Phoenix,, asked about a military operation against China. Well, those guys were as surprised as I was to hear that. No one knew anything about it. I even talked with the Indonesian wonder forward and found out that Indonesia was willing to have diplomatic talks with eChina and was looking forward to the peaceful return of all the Chinese regions they possessed. Talked to some Iranian representatives and as far as I could understand they even were willing to have friendly diplomatic talks.

At this time Dokomo told me "we shall see if my sources are wrong". Now I ask you guys... was China attacked? Well, in fact there was a friendly article by wander forward, clearly stating the good intentions towards China.

At this point I couldn't help to think that this "attacking china" thing either was an excuse to push the retreat button or it was the "sources" trying to screw things over. I don't know, but it sure sounded fishy.

In this conversation I clearly stated Phoenix's intentions in having friendly and peaceful diplomatic talks with China and India, taking as a goal the return of regions. I also told him not to worry about that, I would be doing everything so that we all can reach an understanding and so that we can have a peaceful Asia.

I suppose that's what everybody wants, right?

Act 2 - Scene 2: The Ultimatum

Well yes. Today I was astonished by this stance. Dokomo informed me about the ultimatum his cabinet agreed on.

And well, I've explained this before and I'll do it again. I was all in favor of having healthy diplomatic talks to solve problems. Why ? Any forced perspective into the other side will only cause hatred and mistrust. These things take time to heal and to be forgotten. Forcing something without proper discussion was always the wrong approach.

Dokomo knew that. I assured him about the diplomatic talks, yet he decided that he should do more than that, force a resolution, by threatening, making an ultimatum.

Now, Mr Dokomo, one simple question: Where's all that morality about "not retreating to anyone" like you said before? Why do you suddenly change your stance?

Mr Dokomo: Why do you hide behind the "righteousness" motto to do the wrong thing? You know it's the wrong approach, you know this will only breed hatred in the heart of Asia.

You sure are aware that when both sides are willing to work on a resolution the best way is for them to reach a peaceful agreement, right?

You are aware that the countries involved in your ultimatum that hold eChinese and Indian regions were ALL willing to have a diplomatic resolution of this conflict, am I right?

Why do you want to undermine these diplomatic talks ? Why, mr Dokomo, why ?

In today's chat I had with Dokomo I confronted him with his intentions with all of this, I confronted him about the possibility of this being just an excuse to push the button, to go against his population's decision. "I am no more than a servant to my people" like he used to say. Well, his response was kinda rude I must say. He said he had many people supporting him (I replied "I bet over 20k people support you&quot😉. He ignored the fact that I told him that it wasn't the right way.

He even said his "sources" (again his sources) talked about a Russian takeover on eJapanese congress (???) so he had to rush things up!

Mr Dokomo, I'm tired of your excuses and your sources have proven that they don't work properly.

In my point of view this is what happene😛

- Dokomo used the "no retreat" excuse to exclude the NK plan.
- Dokomo thought USA would win so he did everything he could for it to happen.
- When USA lost Dokomo immediately started to rely on "sources" to see if he could use the "omg you'll attack china so I'll press retreat" excuse.
.- When those sources were proved wrong he decided to go on this ultimatum, even if this will only cause confusion and hatred in Asia, ignoring the peaceful diplomatic talks. Why ? Simple, it's something Phoenix nations won't accept for sure. This way he gets the perfect excuse to retreat to USA.

Act3: ???

We're living this act right now, and here the eJapanese population has an important role. I urge you to see beyond the hypocrisy and weak excuses. I only ask you to double check on everyone's intentions.

I'll leave you with some words to tease your min😛

"I am no more than a servant to my people" by Dokomo


Just another Diplomat.