Betrayal? Kyushu Concerns Continue...

Day 749, 15:43 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

Hours. Mere hours after the Japanese and her allies secured Kyushu against an eUSA our president and company has suggested a horrific proposal to those of us in Congress:

That we allow the president to retreat and let the eUSA take Kyushu

They are citing the same arguments that the eUSA has been swamping our media with for this entire period we have been at war. The eUSA has wanted in china since three months ago, and has been planning this since then. If you have read any of the articles by the USA you will see this is clear.

The president of the USA even said : "I told [Dokomo] openly our plans, to go through Kyushu, attack a region in Japan to open up a free war with China."

Now this same argument has been brought up, and the choice is the same as it was before, give Kyushu up so the eUSA can trample through us to China , or hold our ground.

Our President, Dokomo, was elected to keep Japan safe. He has a duty to reject this proposal just as he did the last. However, Dokomo has stated in discussions with congress that should China be attacked, he will not make any promises to the congress should we ask him to not retreat again.

However Congress has not voted yet so the matter is still up in the air. Congress, like the president was elected to uphold the best interests of the Japanese people, and also have a duty to reject this proposal like before.

We are faced with the same issue we had just a day ago when we declared honorably that we would fight and not be used as tools, and our president who proudly claimed that he did not retreat. However the matter has become significantly more hazy in our governments eyes.

As a Congressman I will stand by my decision to fight against letting the President retreat Kyushu as I did before. I urge all who agree with me to stand tall and firm against this.

For Kyushu!

For Japan!

Ten Thousand Years!