[VOTE] Wanna battles? Poland NEED YOU! I WANT MT? Read more...

Day 683, 10:27 Published in USA Poland by Pazaak

Dear eAmericans,

Poland is going to attack Lithuania.

President of Poland Andrew6w6 start voting on "Do you agree on declaring war to Lithuania"
( http://www.erepublik.com/en/Poland/law/15648 )

Tommorow Poland is going to hit Lithuania.


We tricked Hungary and Turkey ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/Lithuania/law/15649 ) so we will fight in fact only with Lithuania and France

Now why I wrote this art? Because I hope that some Americans will go to Poland and help us fighting against PEACE. I could send some tickets if you want.
I have 0 tickets left
Government of Poland told me that they can gimme money to send you tickets. However you have to have at least:
8 Strength skill to get ticket from my country governments resources

If you have this 8 skill and want this ticket just PM me or write it in comments.

Vote it please so every eAmerican could see it.
I apologize for my poor English

HAIL Emerick!
HAIL Eden!