Thank you guys!!!!

Day 1,638, 08:33 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

I would like to apologise to my readers. This will once more be an English-only article. If I get the willpower, I might translate it later. In the meantime if someone wants to, feel free.

As you all are fully aware, Today Bulgaria attacked the last region of our beloved Land of the banned presidents (formerly known as Turkey, haven of multiaccounts). By the looks of things the end of that state is gonna occur around midnight. Quite a suitable time to bury a ghost of an enemy.

So consider this my letter of gratitude to all who made this possible. A quite long list is gonna follow with an explanation of reasons for honorable mentions.

First and foremost, thank you fellow countrymen!!!We have stood united for a month, for better or worse. After the division during the last several months I did not think it was possible. And yet we showed unity and willpower. This was an gargantuan effort, but the end is well worth it.

Secondly, I would like to thank all of our allies - Russia, Korea, Poland, Chile, Serbia, Hungary, Republic of Macedonia and all other heroes on the battlefield - big and small alike. It was an honor guys!!! You helped immensely.

And last but not least, an honorable mention to all who made this possible. And here is the surprise - and you weren't expecting this I believe.

Huge thank you to all members of the EDEN HQ, for their amazing skills in handling our crisis. Of course I believe some deserve more credit so here are the names of our heroes:
Mr Oles Kurivchak
Romper (while technically not a member of EDEN HQ he is known to be the defender of all principles of the Damagehood
Mr Hawkoulis (Greek president - a.k.a "It was a mistake of you to trust me

Iaswn - SC of EDEN
Mihail.cazacu - for his incredibly awesome plan to bring Bulgaria back to EDEN which made all this possible

And all the other known and unknown bureaucrats at the war machine called EDEN HQ.

Without you none of this would have been possible.

And a special place for our president, mentor and God called smee again.

All of this for 50 million damage and rule over eRepublik.

P.S I promised not to troll Bulgarians, but I somehow cannot miss a couple of traitors - the former Bulgarian CP Roonex and his personal adviser KoHaH. Without your incredible efforts none of this would have occurred.

Miss Hilton approves of your actions:

Consider her a special gift to all the members of the Amateur squad who helped me become the person I am and are stuck with me for better or worse. No cartoon girl for you this time 🙂