Interview with Humerus

Day 1,646, 09:26 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Milenium3

Hi all!No matter what are eBulgarian-eTurkish relations I have friends who are Turks. One of them is the ex-CP of Turkey - Humerus.

1. Hi! Introduce yourself! Who are you in the game?

I am a regular player on eRepublik. I have started to game at 6th of January because of Greeks. I learned that eTurkey has been occupied by eGreece and i started the game.

2. And who are you in the real life?

My name is Aykut. I am 21. I am living in Sofia, Bulgaria. I am studying International Relations at Sofia University.

3. The first half of the month you were a CP of Turkey. What did happen? Why your country have lost its territories?

I had a bad term. And all the failures belong to me. I apologize to everyone who supported me in elections.

4. 7 days ago you were impeached. Why?

I just resigned.

5. What do you think about the war between Bulgaria and Turkey? Will it ever end? Who will be the winner?

There will be no winner, both countries will continue to waste their sources only. This war was tried before and closed because of boredom and unnecessity, and after the NAP both countries gained more bonuses and stable economies for months. The latest war was not started by US and we still see it as redundant, so another NAP will be signed sooner or later.

6. What do you think why INCI have fought for Bulgaria?

I can only say ''Biat şart''

7. What are the Turkish plans - EDEN, ONE, new alliance?

Turkey sacrificed and suffer a lot in her path of EDEN. We will continue to strengthen the bonds with our allies, and continue to show the world that we are alliance material for sure.

8. You are learning in Bulgaria. What do you think about Bulgarians? How do you feel in our country?

Bulgarians are entertaining people, they know how to have fun whatever the situation is. I am having some difficulties due to not being so good at Bulgarian, but generally everything is fine.

9. And at the end say something to my readers - Turks and Bulgarians.

Thanks to my all readers.

I also thank you! Play fair, have fun! 🙂

~Interview with Humerus~