[RO/EN] Domino

Day 890, 01:43 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu
[EN]Please find the English version below the Romanian one

Noua ofensiva EDEN a inceput cu un aparent esec - pierderea regiunilor Rhone Alps (high wood) si Brandenburg (high grain) de catre Polonia si invazia Braziliei in sudul Spaniei.

Trolii Phoenix s-au grabit sa rupa tastaturile scriind "epic fail" sau "epik fejl" sau cum le-a venit in degetele. Altii si-au dat intalnire in Bucuresti sau Zagreb sau Madrid.

Au trecut cateva zile si acum putem vedea mai bine ce se intampla.

Dupa consolidarea baby-boom-ul polonez EDEN era pe hartie mai puternic decat Phoenix. Dar numai pe hartie. In practica existau cateva probleme:

1. EDEN pierduse initiativa. Asta insemna ca Phoenix putea ataca in cateva locuri simultan, concentrandu-se la finalul luptelor pe o singura tinta si castigand.

In felul asta Franta si Germania au fost eliberate provincie cu provincie si eliberarea ar fi continuat pana cand Spania si Polonia ar fi fost complet evacuate. La fel ca in luptele din Viata Reala, cheia victoriei e sa-l facem pe adversar sa isi disperseze fortele in timp ce noi capatam superioritate intr-un singur punct.

Nu conteaza superioritatea globala ci superioritatea locala.

2. Sursele de gold ale Ungariei si Serbiei erau neatinse. Inferioritatea globala se compenseaza prin obtinerea superioritatii locale (ca mai sus) si prin tanking. Asta inseamna ca pentru a distruge Phoenix trebuia recastigata initiativa si eliminate sursele de venituri ale Serbiei si Ungariei.

Heilongjiang (sursa de fier a Ungariei) si Liaoning (sursa de fier a Serbiei) sunt tinte importante. Dar nu sunt singurele care merita cucerite. Capturarea regiunilor unguresti si sarbesti unde se afla grosul firmelor de arme produce rezultate la fel de devastatoare.

3. Schimburile de teritorii (land-swap) intre Spania si Polonia respectiv China + India si SUA stricasera seturile de aliante ale tuturor tarilor care luptau impotriva Phoenix. Asta era inca un motiv pentru care desi EDEN + SUA + China este mai puternic per total decat Phoenix, in practica era destul de greu sa impiedice actiunile Phoenix.

In acest moment seturile de MPP-uri sunt refacute. Asta inseamna ca nu mai conteaza daca, de exemplu, Brazilia continua ofensiva contra Spaniei sau daca Ungaria si Serbia reusesc cumva sa supravietuiasca si se intorc contra Romaniei si Croatiei.

Odata ce setul de MPP-uri este refacut, se va lupta EDEN + SUA + China vs. Phoenix. Si atunci superioritatea va fi reala, nu doar pe hartie.

Si daca Phoenix nu face prostia sa atace Spania, China, Croatia, Polonia, SUA sau Romania in teritoriile originale? Pai a cam facut-o in multe locuri. Si vor fi obligati sa continue sa o faca, altfel Ungaria si Serbia sunt evacuate din Asia.

"Bine, dar intre timp Polonia a pierdut Rhone Alps si Brandenburg!" Da, le-a pierdut temporar. Cine protejeaza Franta si Germania? Ungaria si Serbia. Odata ce ambele raman fara o sursa importanta de venituri e cam greu sa mai protejeze pe careva. Sau chiar pe ele insele. Tot ce a fost pierdut va fi recuperat. Cu varf si indesat.

Dupa mega-plicitseala din ultimele luni, urmeaza in sfarsit vremuri interesante.

EDEN's new offensive began with an apparent failure - the loss of the regions Rhone Alps (high wood) and Brandenburg (high grain) by Poland and the Brazilian invasion in southern Spain.

Phoenix's trolls rushed to break the keyboard typing "epic fail" or "epik fejl" or whatever came to their fingers first. Others promised to meet in Bucharest or Zagreb or Madrid for a victors' drink.

A few days later we can see what is really happeing.

On paper EDEN was stronger than Phoenix once the Polish baby boom had consolidated. But only on paper. In practice there were several problems:

1. EDEN had lost the initiative. This meant Phoenix could attack in several places simultaneously, focusing on one province at the end of the fighting and winning it.

That way France and Germany have been liberated province by province. And it would have continued that way until Spain and Poland would have been completely evicted. Just like in Real Life battles, the key to winning is forcing the enemy to disperse his forces while we concentrate ours.

Global superiority is largely irrelevant - what truly matters is local superiority.

2. The Hungarian and Serbian sources of gold were left untouched. Global inferiority is compensated by obtaining local superiority (as explained above) and by tanking.

That means in order to destroy Phoenix we needed both to regain the initiative and to eliminate Hungary and Serbia's sources of gold.

Heilongjiang (Hungary's source of iron) and Liaoning (Serbian source of iron) are important targets. But there are many more provinces also worth conquered. Capturing the Hungarian and Serbian regions where most of the weapons companies are located produces equally devastating results.

3. The Land-Swaps between Spain and Poland in Europe and India, China and the U.S. in Asia screwed up all the sets of MPPs of the countries fighting Phoenix. That was another reason why even though EDEN + USA + China is overall stronger than Phoenix, in practice it was very difficult to resist the recent Phoenix offensives.

At this point all the sets of MPP's are restored. That makes it largely irrelevant that Spain, Croatia, Romania have activated lots of MPPs against themselves. Once on the offensive, each of them can and will steamroll her Phoenix' opponent should Phoenix be foolish enough to activate the whole set of newly acquired EDEN MPPs.

But what if Phoenix is not stupid to attack Spain, China, Croatia, Poland, Romania, U.S. in their original territories?!

Well, they did it already. And will have to continue to do so. Else Hungary and Serbia would be evicted from Asia faster. Launching diversionary attacks on EDEN, American or Chinese core provinces is the only option left if they want to delay the inevitable.

"Well, meanwhile, lost Poland and Brandenburg Rhone Alps!" Yes, we lost them temporary . Who protects France and Germany? Hungary and Serbia. Once both remain without a source of income it becomes rather hard for them to protect anyone. Including themselves. Therefore whatever was lost will be recovered. And then some!

After the mega-boredom of the last two months we're finally going to see interesting times.