✯ New logo for ONE ✯

Day 1,235, 08:00 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by yanislav.russev

Dear enemies, it seems that your morale is low and this article is about to make it worse...
After your great "success" yesterday - conquering ONE region and losing FOUR, my job is even tougher. But I think I can manage, just ask your b*tch - the FYROMians about me 😉 Щом е маке - все е циганин, BRE!

Anyway, let`s get down to business:
After long hours of thinking what logo will suit better to your abominating alliance, I`ve figured it out!

Little explanation - in Bulgaria the mouse is a symbol of cowards and losers.
And the cheese - well, Bulgarians makes the best cheese in the world, BRE! 😉

So there it is - your new logo:

Yeah, you are mice, BRE!
Why? Because you act like them...

For us it`s honour to be the first country attacked by 5 other countries.
I`m proud to be Bulgarian!