[ БГ ] Equation for presidents

Day 1,233, 05:52 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by NKFV
Once upon a time a mighty alliance was conguering region after region, colony after colony. It was called "Phoenix". But also, it wasn't alone. EDEN was trying to make "Phoenix's" life awful and actually did it. After months of epic battles "The bird" didn't resurrect and we saw the victory of the powerful EDEN. It was obvious that something had to change in the leadership of the e😜hoenix countries and the answer didn't late very much. A new alliance was born - "ONE". With enormous power, anger and desire for revenge, the "ONE's" forces are smashing every attepmt from EDEN's members to resist. So, let's see the big picture:

And here comes the simple equation:

We have a strong alliance ONE
Also we have alliance "X" and alliance "Y"
"X" "Y" , but....
"X" + "Y" > ONE

The big question is: Why in the task we still talk about separated "X" and "Y" ???

Dear Mr. Presidents, did you catch it?!

еБългари, вотвайте и шаутвайте статията - предназначена е за световния топ. Ако все още не сте схванали смисъла й, то поне би трябвало вече да сте наясно, че в сегашното междунароно положение няма сила, която да спре ONE. Но те могат да бъдат победени - не с танкове, а с лист и писалка.... А и най-накрая осъзнайте еСъдбата си - не е далеч времето, когато ще бъдем най-силни сред съюзниците си...